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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 22-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Thu, 22-Sep-2005 1:03:30 PM PDT

Reese comes by Jason and Sam’s and admits that she is asking Jason to kill somebody for her. She tells him it may be the only way to save Sonny and Ric’s lives. She tells him that Javier Ruiz is a serious threat. He’s coming up from Miami. She just wants him to do it this one time. Then get on with his life. She gives him the pictures of Javier Ruiz. Sam asks Reese if she knows all this, why doesn’t she just go to the police. Reese explains that she cannot get Ruiz arrested on suspicion alone. She leaves and Jason is ready to do what she asked. But Sam is afraid that he might, now be going against his instincts, hesitate, and that could get him killed. She goes to urge Sonny to stop Jason before he gets himself killed. But right then, Jason is ready to put his plans into motion, by finding the dude by the picture Reese gave him and watching him from outside the window of Kelly’s. Amazing! He watches him go outside and overhears his phone call from his daughter. He sounds like he might be a good daddy who’d be leaving his child fatherless if Jason blows him away. When Sonny is distracted talking to Sam about Jason, Carly wanders out by herself. And guess who find her. Daddy-o!! He tells her that she is not safe with Sonny and she must trust her daddy to take her away from this environment. Sonny returns and cannot find his psycho wife. Right away, his guard comes out and informs Sonny that Carly drove away with D.A. Durant.

At Kelly’s. Dillon is getting frustrated that all of his friends, with the exception of Georgie believes that he drugs and photographs naked girls in their sleep. He confronts Maxi about her doubts of him. Mike seems like he wants to be supportive of Dillon. Justus and Dr. Winters are at another table observing Dillon and he asks her if THAT GUY fits the description of the “college perv”. He comes by and Justus introduces them. And Dr. Winters tells him that Dillon seems like a very respectable young man.

Jax has gotten Elizabeth to sign the papers to authorize joint custody of the baby. But Lucky is not there, obviously because he does not approve. And sure enough he calls her at work right when he knows she is sealing the deal with Jax and asks her to come to the park without asking any questions. She arrives in her nurse scrubs. Jax is wearing a tux and has invited Emily, Elizabeth’s grandmother and the preacher. Emily comes by happily carrying Elizabeth’s wedding dress and tells her she can help her get ready. The preacher is ready to get the wedding started right when Lucky gets a call from Maxie telling him that Jesse is in terrible trouble and he needs to help him. He comes to investigate and finds out that Dillon hit Jesse over the head when it was dark because he was afraid of an intruder entering his dorm room.

Elizabeth returns to the hospital. Jax is there to be “friendly friendly” with her. He takes her to Kelly’s and she appears friendly and encouraging to him. She doesn’t seem to think he’s the no-good slimeball Lucky sees him as. And she doesn’t want to prevent him from having parental rights.
Carly runs to the park and notices Elizabeth’s wedding bouquet. And she has all of her memories and flashbacks of Sonny. She has apparently run away from her daddy. He then finds her. She tells him that she does not trust him and believes he wanted to take her to Shadybrook. She protests that Sonny loves her. He tells her no. He just wants to own her and is really in love with Reese. He tells her that Sonny is a liar and cannot be trusted and she must realize that he is her dad. He’s ready to take her to his home, without coercisn. But right then, Sonny comes and yells that Durant must leave Carly alone. Carly then runs off from both of them and into the road.

And of course Lucky is too late when he comes back to the hospital to find Elizabeth. HE asks Emily if Elizabeth believes he is a jerk to interrupt their wedding to do his job. She tells him of course not. Jax just gave her a ride and it’s nothing to be worried about. Elizabeth and Jax are in his car, friendly and content. But right then, Carly wanders off into the road and he’s about to hit her.

Jason comes home and admits to Sam that he did not kill Ruiz. He had the perfect opportunity and could have easily done it if he’d wanted to. But he did not want to. He tells her that he didn’t assume that just because Ruiz has kids, that that makes him a good person. So maybe, for all he knows, he deserves to die. But he listened to what she said about following his instincts. He tells her the worst part of what happened when he saw Javier Ruiz was that he felt confident that he could easily kill him. She tells him that all she wants is what is best for him. And again, they confirm their love for each other.

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