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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 27-Sep-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Tue, 27-Sep-2005 3:00:34 PM PDT

Today's General Hospital was indeed full of emotional scenarios. I truly did feel remorse for sad Elizabeth and Jax.This makes the second baby that Liz has lost. Remember her losing Ric's baby?? Anyway,Courtney arrives just in time to hug a sobbing Jax. Of course, Nik sees this hug. Does she still love Jax? ( ONe says Probably) One also believes that EM and Nik are still a twosome. Perhaps, Cort and Nik came together out of "lust or need", but it is not sufficient grounds for divorcing.Courtney may be pregnant with Nik's or Jax's baby. Isn't this ironic?Will she tell these guys? Nikolas does not sound as if he wants a child soooooooooo.Courtney tried to tell Nik that she thinks that their union may not work.She says I felt left out when you foursome seemed so close in High School.He didn't know Cort then.
A sweet moment comes as Lucky tries to comfort a sobbing Liz whom he has loved forever.This was touching!Lucky had just begun to accept this little one. Liz thinks it was a girl, and she wants to have a service for her's and Jax's lost little one.Ric stops by to express his condolences or whatever before he leaves GH.
POOR CARLY thought that she had seen the dead Faith on the terrace. IT could have been one of Ruiz's men whom she saw , but Sonny assured her that it was NOT FAITH. He tells Carly that he saw Faith die.Sonny is reassuring, but like EM said, he needs to get professional help for her.EMily says that if Carly continues to hurt herself and others, she will commit her.Sonny says ok.
When Ric leaves the hospital, he goes back to his apt. because Alexis has flown the coop.Reese is with him. Just as Ric is saying goodbye and is entering his apt. ,Reese sees a wire. She pulls him to safety as his place blows.Reese has saved his life more than once. Ric has assured Reese that he still loves Alexis with all his heart.( I hate to see Reese leave this show)She seems soooooooooo real. WEll...Anyway, Sonny faces the Ruiz guy,and tells him to lay off his family. Sonny says: " You may go home in a body bag."As one can see, many questions have been left unanswered so please tune in on Wed. to see what's happening. You will know more if you tune in daily to GH.Who knows what lurks ahead for Sonny, Liz, Carly, and Ric.?

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