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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 29-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sun, 02-Oct-2005 1:54:12 PM PDT

Jason goes out and instinctively shoots at people whom he believes are after him or somebody whom he believes is an innocent bystander. But he finds out that the guy whom he is protecting is Javier Ruiz. He asks Javier why he and the others have to come to Port Charles with their stupid vendettas. What is the point in their compulsion to kill everybody? He asks what the point is in wiping each other off the planet and tells them that their wars have nothing to do with him. And he asks Javier if he is clear about that. Right then, Sam comes to see if Jason is ok and asks him who got shot. He tells her �it happened� again. She assumes the cops are going to come and take both him and Sonny away so she tells him he cannot go to work tonight. They�ll nail his butt if he does not keep himself incognito.

Dr. Winters (Lani) tells Sonny that he can deny it all he wants. But Carly is becoming a danger to herself and to others. Right then, Carly is at the top of the stairs hearing their conversation and she sees Faith Roscoe with her children. She then trips and falls down the stairs and crashes into a wall. She�s out for a while and twists her ankle. Sonny, Emily, Reese, Ric, Justus and Lanie try to help her. She comes to and asks Sonny where her boys are. She tells him he must go after Faith. She is after their children. They keep telling her that the boys are fine. Faith is not there. She is dead. And Carly needs to calm down. Justus tells Sonny that carly hit her head hard enough to knock herself out and they must call 911. But Emily is able to see that Carly did not suffer a concussion. Carly says she�s fine except for her ankle. Lani tells Sonny that Carly is delusional when she�s staying right in the place where he believes she is safe. She is a ticking time bomb and Sonny cannot give her the help she needs. Max then comes to tell Sonny that the �hit� went wrong. He tells Sonny he could have easily handled it if a �certain someone� (Jason) hadn�t gotten involved in it.

Sonny confronts Jason telling him that he�s tried to be �patient� in realizing Jason will no longer help him. But if Jason gets in Sonny�s way in what he plans to do with Ruiz, Sonny will take him out. Sam comes in there and tells Sonny he�s way out of line to threaten Jason in his home. She tells him he�s a selfish jerk and needs to do his own dirty work without Jason. Sonny confronts her and Jason tells him he�d better not ever talk that way to Sam again. Alone, Sonny apologizes to Sam but tells her that she needs to understand that Jason is in danger.

Sonny has a real dilemma on his hands. Everybody (except Ric) keeps telling him that Carly needs help he cannot provide. He cannot argue that point. But he still cannot forget how she kept him out of the funny farm. And he cannot turn his back on her and not return the same loyalty. Lani tells Sonny if he doesn�t want to consider Shadybrook, she can recommend another �loony bin� called Roselawn. He goes to see the place with Reese. The director asks him what he thinks and he cannot decide. Alone in the house, Carly sees Emily talking to Michael. And she believes that she is Faith Roscoe ready to kidnap the kids.

Jax asks Dr. Meadows what the prognosis is for Elizabeth. She tells him is that she cannot divulge confidential records but tells him that Elizabeth can expect good news. She can most likely have children in the future.

Carly keeps seeing Emily as Faith Roscoe and tells her that she must be �helping Faith�. Emily assures carly that she needs to stop obsessing over Faith. She�s gone and cannot hurt anybody and she assures Carly that she wouldn�t help Faith if she got run over by a truck. But Carly believes that Emily is lying to her about Faith being dead and keeping her boys in the guesthouse and every time Emily is with Michael, she envisions Faith with him, ready to kidnap him.

Courtney keeps getting dizzy and nauseous with no explanation as to why. Could it be she's pregnant by Nikolas? Maybe Jax. THAT wouldn't be cool.

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