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General Hospital Update for Friday, 7-Oct-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Sat, 08-Oct-2005 7:27:57 AM PDT

General Hospital was interesting and rather clever on this Friday. Courtney really faces a dilemma with her pregnancy. Mike, her dad, almost blew her secret and told Jax. Courtney reminds her dutiful dad that she isn't ready to tell Nikolas or Jax. Elizabeth pays a very unusual visit to tell Court that she should let Nik go so he can reunite with Emily.When Nik does offer to take EM home from the hospital, she tells him that Sonny and the children need her sooo. Nik seems to feel the sting of rejection, but Lucky assures him that Emily will come around.Will she?
When Lainey, the doc, comes to Sonny's home, Sonny lashes out and wants to take Carly out of Rose Lawn Sanitarium. For now, Sonny is barred from seeing Carly. When Reese suggests to Sonny that they should get together later, he nods his head. Yet, later, he breaks the date to attend a school function with Michael. Em went too, I think.One feels sorry for Reese. It is apparent that she should move on with her life. Sonny is all tied up with thoughts of Carly.IF that isn't love, what is it?Speaking of Michael, he does not want to go back to school. HE fears that the children will tease him because his mom is in a mental hospital. Sonny tries to assure him that Carly is very sick, but she will get well.
Courtney does call Nik and asks him to come see her. She tells Nikolas goodbye.It's over. Now, she has paved the way for his reconciliation with Emily.
Jason and Sam are in a neat place in Maui. They are excited because Jason has bought Sam a bar. The greatest gift was Jason's taking Sam's mentally handicapped brother to see her. Danny was upset with Sam, but they made up. Javier Ruiz has one of his louts watching Sam and Jason's every move through the lush beauty of Hawaii.Javier tells someone that Jason must be dealt with before they can take out Sonny. This could break the serenity of Sam and Jason's island escape.
The comedy begins as MR. Luke returns. Skye slaps him because he had scared her. When she enters his hotel room, it is messy, etc.She thinks that, perhaps, he is dead.Alcazar and Luke had something going on which is somewhat unclear to this reviewer.Anyway, Luke is back as his charmful, mysterious self.Let the fun begin!
As any GH fan can see, there are many twists and turns that must be addressed next week. Tune in on Monday to get some up-to-date endings or developments. GH is heating up!

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