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General Hospital Update for Friday, 4-Nov-2005
Author: |
bldzivw |
Posting date: | Fri, 04-Nov-2005 7:49:07 PM PDT |
It was big, bad, and out of control. We join our intrepid heroes at the moment of impact. Mucho tumbling, flinging, and tossing about of various bodies and things unfurling in grand chaos... When the dust (mercifully little) settles there are 4 distinct zones: the Sam, Robin, Max and (unbeknownst to the rest) Carly zone (SMRC); the Elizabeth and Lucky zone (EL); the Courtney, Jax, and Nikolas zone(CJN), and the Sonny, Ric, Reese, Alexis and Emily zone(SRRAE).
* SMRC: Sam and Robin were on the Port Charles-bound train racing to save Jason who had collapsed and was presumed dying. When they gather themselves apres crash they find Robin is trapped under some wreckage though apparently uninjured. Sam goes into survival mode ordering Max to seek out other survivors and try to ascertain the best course of escape. She knows Manny is somewhere too close and commandeers a gun from Max for protection (it's nice to see her in action again). Meanwhile, Carly (the new one!) slowly wakes and does her very best to remain hidden from the others. She never actually says a word - so no clue as to her mental state. Robin is all about getting her briefcase to Jason whether or not they get her out of this obviously collapsing train tunnel. Sam wants Robin - not the briefcase - and decides to find her own way to get them out. She leaves the gun with Robin and attempts to climb into a ventilation shaft from atop the train while Manny surreptitiously watches. When the shaft collapses on Sam and rewrecks the train wreck Manny finds Carly. She doesn't look like she's afraid of him.
* EL: Elizabeth can't find Lucky at first. When she sees him lying in the back of the car she realizes he is horribly hurt. She rolls him over to find a very large hunk of glass protruding from his abdomen. He's bleeding and unconscious. She begins yelling for help.
* CJN: Courtney, Jax, and Nikolas are the first to hear Elizabeth calling for help. Jax and Nikolas alternately squabble and dig through the rubble to reach them. Jax won't let Courtney help due to her pregnancy and she is frustrated and touched at the same time. They break through to Liz and Lucky and we're down to 3 zones (ELCJN)
* SRRAE: Sonny is the first to emerge from the train car on its side in the tunnel. Alexis, Emily, Reese, and a limping Ric follow. Everyone appears to be OK except for a few bumps and bruises: Ric's aforementioned limp, Alexis's past-due but seemingly stable and perpetual pregnancy, Reese's nasty pain in her side. Emily suggests they look for supplies and try to organize the situation. When Emily hears Nikolas calling for her they race is on to break through to the next zone.
* In the new, bigger, improved combo zone (ELCJNSRRAE ASAP PDQ.........) it is Emily's medical knowledge that is tested. For a pre-med student she's pretty advanced, but this is bigger than her abilities. Lucky is awake but shivering with cold due to massive internal bleeding, Alexis's water has broken and she's beginning to dilate, and Reese isn't shaking off this ache in her side (in fact it's getting worse). Ric tries to help Alexis but she's in full panic when she realizes that ALL of her designated guardians for Kristina are in the tunnel with her. Sonny scolds Ric for letting her stress out. Sonny tells him it's time to buck up and make it OK. Alexis then yells at Sonny for making Carly the only non-train-wreck guardian available for the children (little do they know...). Sonny insists that they will all live and everything will be fine- even Carly. You almost believe him- really. Lucky gives Elizabeth a sweet and sad goodbye before losing consciousness again. Then the tunnel collapses again and now we are back to 3 zones (nope, not going there).
On the not-in-the-train-wreck side, Jason is coming-to in the hospital. He is adamant that he will not be operated on by Dr. Jones and Monica agrees. When he insists on leaving she tells him not to go - it will kill him. He tells her that it's Robin's treatment or nothing. Then he gets the call about Robin/Sam/Emily's train-wreck and even Monica has to allow him to try to help. He reaches the site and listens to some rail workers talking about a ventilation shaft into the tunnel.
Luke, Tracy, and Skye are at GH arguing about LuLu's attitude and Luke's lack of fathering skills when Luke hears Monica telling the staff about the train wreck. Luke realizes it's Lucky's train and heads off to help. He finds LuLu there and she goes off on him about how selfish and awful he is and tells him he has to save everyone - including Nikolas - or else. He leaves and Skye tells LuLu she in being unfair and that, believe it or not, Luke is a hero.
Our 2 saviors (Jason and Luke if you're confused) prepare to enter the ventilation shaft. Jason tells Luke that, should he collapse, Luke should climb over him and save the others. Luke tells him that this had already been his plan. Jason goes in. Shortly thereafter...