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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 10-Nov-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Thu, 10-Nov-2005 2:51:39 PM PDT

The train wreck plot is great for General Hospital. MY hat goes off to the writers and actors for using compassion and details to tell a story of reflection and gratitude. Thank, God, Alexis' little baby girl, Molly, is alive. Alexis is a real trooper, but she may die if some good samaritan does not get her out of that blooming hole. Robin, EM, and Ric are to be graciously thanked for doing the C section, etc. Unbelievable! Ric is so elated to be a daddy. IT is so touching.. Poor Nicolas got caught in a downfall of debris which Courtney and Jax had to run from. Later, they think he's dead. A despondent Emily wants to know where he is. Then, a cough is heard ,and a tired but living Nic emerges. He and Emily hug and their love is easy to see. Lulu actually thanks Luke, her dad, for saving Lucky's life. Then, she laments her loss of not really having known her daddy luke. This was touching because she wants and needs him. She does have a sassy lip when she dishes Tracy.Lucky lost his consciousness, but he shows vital signs of life now. With his devoted Liz and Dad's abundant help, he will recover.Jason has fallen into a pit, and Carly finds him as he lies in water. She pulls him to safety. Later, Carly is saved by Jessie. Lorenzo is waiting for" his Carly "with open arms. I like the NU Carly reunion with Alcazar. HE is good for herI think that Carly must be well now..Sonny is helping a very pale and bleeding Reese. Is she bleeding internally? Perhaps so. I hate to see her die because she is a wonderful addition to GH. Well, someone will bite the bullet, I am sure. This is how it is in the drama and mayhem of soaps.Tune into GH tomorrow to capture the rescue of the exhausted, but brave cast.

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