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General Hospital Update for Friday, 18-Nov-2005

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Sat, 19-Nov-2005 9:52:17 AM PDT


Truly, it was. But we'll get to that in a moment...

Courtney and Nik are tongue wrasslin' when Jax walks in to retrieve his cell phone. Nik is impressed with Courtney's bluntness with Jax when she asks him to leave. Jax turns into controlling stalker-boy in the parking lot. Courtney explains to Nik that she's changed her mind about her marriage to Jax and no longer feels she needs to stay with him for "the baby's sake." She loves Nik and wants to stay with him. He's good with that. She then asks him to go so she can call Jax and break the news to him. Jax believes that she called him to reconcile and is stunned when she tells him she wants out. She doesn't seem to understand that Jax is not one to be rejected.

LuLu thinks that Dad is a jerk and she should get to live with whomever she pleases because, as we all know, the world revolves around the wants of teenage girls. Liz and Lucky are her targets and, while Lucky is a softy for sis, Liz knows when she's being played. Liz calls Luke and tells him he has to handle it. He says no. Skye tells Luke he has to handle it. He says no. Dillon calls him on his absolute idiocy - I believe "King of Fools" was the title he bestowed - and it seems that (maybe) it worked. Anyhoo, when LuLu tries the "let's be roomies" game with Nikolas, Luke steps up and quashes the scheme.

Carly seems completely rejuvenated by her foray into the Train Tunnel of Imminent Explosions and is scheming in very Carly-like ways. She is caught by Dr. Lainey as she is climbing out the window (again) and, while she makes the right sounds with her mouth, she is totally unrepentant. She makes a few calls (she stole Daddy's cell phone yesterday) and team of Glamour Gals show up and make her up for her "date." She shows up at Sonny's.

Sonny and Emily talk about Jason's death and Sonny shares with Emily that he was reliant on Jason for his sanity and strength. He feels guilty and believes he failed everyone. Emily tries to be comforting but part of Sonny's guilt is that Jason was her brother. When Lorenzo shows up offering his help to try to find Jason Sonny is insulted. He tells Lorenzo that he knows Lorenzo is only trying to cozy up closer to Carly by play-acting hero. Luckily, he doesn't need Lorenzo's help...

And here is where you grab your tissues...

Jason miraculously appears at the tunnel-site as Sam is crumbling with the weight of losing him. They hug hard and happy and long while Robin watches jealously. Robin interrupts and asks Jason if he's ready to go with her now for treatment. Jason wants to see Sonny first.

When Jason and Sam walk into Sonny's Emily is overjoyed and Sonny is literally speechless. Sonny can't seem to believe his eyes until Jason utters the familiar "We got trouble." Jason's talking about Manny, but also about Carly who is treating Roselawn like a hotel now. Sonny sees this as a good sign - back to normal. They begin to discuss the plans for containment when Jason has a headache. There are no more excuses to offer up - they ship him to the hospital.

Robin's waiting for Jason and Sam when they arrive. She is thrilled that he actually showed up. Jason is humbled in that way that is almost crippling to him. Sam understands and tells him she would do it for him if she could, but... He agrees on one condition... (TISSUE ALERT) and he pulls a small jewelry box from his pocket... "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" She tells him that he may not remember, but she already said "yes" once. He needs to hear it again. He tells her that he wants to spend his life with her. He knows he can't make her any real promises (kids, a white-picket fence...), but that he will love her for as long as he lives. Sam is crying (and who wouldn't be?) as she tells him that she had been chasing her whole life for this moment and for him, so..."YES." He tells her that when he woke in the tunnel it was dark and quiet and he knew he was trapped, but when he felt that ring-box in his pocket he knew he had to get out so he could give it to her. They say their wedding vows to each other and, afterwards, Jason seems ready to face his fate.

Robin explains the course of medication and the necessity of the restraints during treatment. Jason asks that, if he absolutely has to be in restraints, Robin allow Sam to do it. As Sam buckles the restraints she tells Jason how much she loves him and kisses his face. Later, when he has fallen asleep from the medication, Robin admits to Sam that this treatment is not going to be pleasant. Jason will be disoriented and reliving old memories intensely. As they talk Jason calls out for Robin.

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