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General Hospital Update for Monday, 28-Nov-2005
Author: |
DiehardBrendaFan |
Posting date: | Mon, 28-Nov-2005 7:45:36 PM PDT |
This is my first update, so here goes . . .
Opens today with Luke being treated to a Manhattan and canopies by Alice. Tracy comes in, ordering Alice around, and learns that Lulu is moving in. She rants and raves, as Lulu show up.
Back to Jason's dream of kissing Robin, Robin walks in, and Jason grabs her and kisses her, just as Sam and Sonny come in. Sam accuses, "What's going on?" As Robin looks toward her with a guilty face.
At the Sanitarium, Carly announces to Emily that Sonny is the easiest man to fall in love with.
"Honestly, Carly, I wouldn't know," responds Emily.
Carly retorts, "You sure about that? No chance you're falling in love with Sonny?"
Tracy and Luke argue over Lulu moving in. Luke shuts Tracy up. Lulu is here to stay.
At Kelly's Diner, Maxie, Georgie, Dillon and Lucas are chatting about Lulu's new living arrangements when Brook Lynn breaks in with the news that Diego is the stalker and Alcazar has him at the police station. They don't believe that Alcazar will really make Diego go to prison.
At the station, Diego and Alcazar argue and Alcazar insists to Diego that he must pay for his sins in order to not turn out like him. Diego begs; Alcazar turns him in to the Commissioner.
Emily insists she has no romantic interest in Sonny. Carly questions why she planted herself at Sonny's and put down roots. Emily defends herself. Carly accuses her of trying to get to Sonny's heart through his children, calling her "loyal, perfect, sympathetic Emily, deeply wounded by her husband's cheating ways, but bravely soldiering through. Man, how could Sonny resist?
Sam loses it on Robin, accusing her of abusing Jason's trust. Sonny plays peacemaker, trying to calm them both down. Sonny and Robin have an intimate conversation about Robin's past and how she couldn't save Stone, so now she wants to save Jason, adding that he thinks there's a part of her that "hopes he wakes up and remembers how much he loves her."
Skye to the rescue, welcoming Lulu. Bantering continues between Tracy, Alice, Skye. Lulu and Luke commiserate. Tracy accuses Skye of kissing up to Lulu to get in bed with Luke. Tracy makes fun of Luke's parenting abilities and accuses Luke of using Lulu to get Tracy to divorce him and give him the $15 million. Lulu likes that idea. Skye assures Lulu that Luke wants a real relationship. Lulu looks at Luke with wonder.
Back at the station, Jesse drills Diego about his torment. Alcazar stands up for Diego. Diego wants no part of it and gives him the kiss off.
Carly draws the picture for Emily of how she will be sucked in to loving Sonny, but that she, Carly, is the one he really wants.
Emily baulks and gives Carly a guilt trip over how Carly is obsessing over Sonny when she has these amazing boys she should be focused on. Emily insists that niether Emily or Carly are in a romantic relationship with Sonny, and for the sake of her sons, she should fight for herself.
Sonny tells Robin she can't help who she loves.
Robin says she knows Jason and her are over, but when Tony called about Jason, all of her feelings came back. But she knows Jason is with Sam. Sonny warns her not to convince herself there's more, or she's setting herself up.
Jason is still dreaming about Robin, this time he says, "Robin, look what you've done. Michael is crying, the baby is crying." Sam tries to calm him down, and Robin comes back in.
Lulu defends her father. Luke defends his daughter. Tracy baulks, accuses Luke of getting her hopes up when he eventually will walk away again. Lulu and Skye bond. Luke sees through Lulu's scam on Skye.
Back at the diner, the gang disagrees about Diego, and Georgie feels sorry for him. Brook Lynn and Dillon are disgusted by him.
Maxie confronts Diego at the station. He says, Get over yourself, it's about revenge.
Carly and Emily keep arguing. Carly accuses Emily of having ulterior motives. Emily says her feelings toward Sonny are brotherly. Carly isn't buying it. She says if Emily does get close to Sonny, she, Carly, will change his mind. Lorenzo Alcazar walks in and says, "Change whose mind?"
Back to Sam and Sonny. Sam tells Sonny about Jason flatlining from the medication. Sonny reassures Sam that Robin's motives are pure and that she can trust Robin.
Jason calls for Sam, and Robin gets her. Jason tells Sam he's okay. Sam is elated!
Diego and Maxie continue arguing. She tries to attack him. Diego grabs an officer's gun and escapes.
Emily leaves Alcazar and Carly alone. Carly can tell something is wrong. Alcazar shrugs it off. Carly tells Alcazar that Emily is jealous of her. Alcazar wants to know why she would be jealous.
Luke realizes that Lulu is a chip off the old block. She's offended at first, but he says not to be. He understands her. Lulu cries that she's just being nice, not running a con. Skye walks in and defends her. Luke has her game. Skye is falling for it hook, line and sinker. Lulu gushes over Skye and goes to her room. Luke laughs.
Tony says Jason looks good. "How good?" questions Sam. Tony says the medication is working how they hoped and gushes over Robin. Sonny says to Robin, "You did good."
Sam and Jason hold hands and look deep into each other's eyes. Robin sends Sonny and Sam out of the room, where they hug happily. Jason takes Robin's hand and says, "Hey, I always knew you would be an amazing doctor." Robin grins.
As Carly rants on about Emily's jealousy, and how Jason sees her as his equal, Alcazar responds with irritation. Carly goes on and on about trusting people with the best and worst part of you. Alcazar thinks they're no longer talking about Jason.
Monica shows up at Sonny's looking for Emily. She's upset because Emily is taking a sabbatical from medical school. They argue. Monica thinks it's because of Sonny. Emily says no, it's because Reese died because of her.
Jason wants Sam to go home and get some sleep. She looks beautiful to him but needs sleep. She had to be with him because she thought he was going to die. Jason tells her he's getting his memory, he remembers everything about his life since the accident 10 years ago, including the first time she told him she loved him. They cuddle up, and their song plays. Jason knows how long he loved her, and he knows he's never going to stop.
Luke tells Skye about his interpretation of Lulu. In the foyer, Lulu steals Skye's wallet. Tracy catches her and welcomes her to the family.
Mac Scorpio goes after Jesse for letting Maxie near Diego and Deigo escaping. Jesse thinks he won't get far.
Diego shows up at Kelly's with the gun and points it at Mike, demanding money. Mike lectures, and Diego shoots. Nobody's hit yet, but Mike pulls a rifle, and Diego grabs Georgie.
Tony says the tests look good. How soon can Jason go home? Tony will know better after another round of tests. Robin exits with Tony, and Jason and Sam get in Jason's bed together. Robin isn't happy with the tests. Tony thinks the progress is good. Robin isn't so sure.
Carly talks about her connection to Jason. Alcazar wants her to focus on her recovery. Carly needs her help. She wants Lorenzo to ask to have her released, as her husband.
Sonny and Emily are back at the house. Sonny tells her the good news about Jason's memory and Robin's medicine working. They hug and look into each other's eyes. Oops . . .