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General Hospital Update for Friday, 2-Dec-2005

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Fri, 02-Dec-2005 4:24:34 PM PDT

Emily and Nikolas share a good cry reminiscing over their broken marriage. They obviously have feelings for each other but are not ready to leave the lives - and the obligations of them - that they have each made in the meantime. They agree that this "chance" meeting was Elizabeth's way of saying "Happy Anniversary!" and agree to let friends be friends. Emily apologizes for not telling Nik about Conner. Nik apologizes for not being as supportive as he should have been. Nik seems to be suffering real pain, but maybe it's only his broken arm.

Emily later confronts Liz about the scheme and lets her know that it wasn't appreciated. Liz, however, has no regrets - even when Lucky sides with Emily. Lucky and Emily both give Jax (who paid Liz for her efforts) hell for his self-serving machinations. He, like Liz, is less than apologetic. The 4 Musketeers don't know how far Jax has gone. He had Coleman tape Nikolas and Emily's meeting for ammo with Courtney.

Carly has a meeting with her doctor at Roselawn and manages to convince him that she is truly ready to be her own person and live for herself instead of orbiting Sonny. Just as the good doctor is leaving, the world renowned Dr. VonSkimmerman (in the form of Luke) arrives to interview Carly for his new book. Luke manages to convince Carly to ask Lorenzo for the ELQ stock as her divorce settlement. He has plans for that $$$. Carly explains the deal to Lorenzo who is happy to deliver once he believes she is free of the gravitational pull of Sonny. Luke is overjoyed until he realizes that Carly wasn't conning Lorenzo - she wants the money for herself.

Sam wakes up and realizes Jason has died beside her in his sleep. Then she wakes up and realizes that this was a dream. He holds her and she cries telling him how - it may not be true today - but that it is coming. She wanted more from him: a real life of travel and mostly of babies. He tells her not to think ahead or she'll miss everything that is happening now.

Robin explains to Sonny that there is nothing more that she can do for Jason. Dr. Tony won't operate on such a risky patient and Jason would never agree to surgery anyway. Sonny tells her that he expects her to do what is necessary to save Jason. She is to find a doctor who will operate and he will make sure Jason shows.

Sonny arrives in Hawaii and lets Jason know that he is hurt that Jason wouldn't trust him to cover his back. He always trusted Jason - even when Jason couldn't remember him - to do right by him. Jason needs to trust that he will do right by Jason also. Should Jason's greatest fear (a permanent vegetative state) come true, Sonny will end his suffering. We all agree that the Jason Morgan character can only exist as a human action-figure. We can only hope that if Jason's fate is to be reduced to boring side-man or wussy baby-maker that Sonny will come through and end the travesty.

Robin finds the only doctor that can save Jason's life - drunk off his ass in a bar.

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