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General Hospital Update for Friday, 9-Dec-2005

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Fri, 09-Dec-2005 4:32:37 PM PDT

So Jason is having brain surgery in a small room off the main hallway of General Hospital. I think that's sweet. All the nice people who frequent hospitals can pop their heads into the operating room and say "hi," check on the doctors' progress, take latte orders, etc. Random beings can wander by and peek in on the action through the big glass windows in the doors. That's so great.

It's also great how they decided to operate on Jason's frontal lobe through the back of his head without disturbing any of his glorious, if somewhat brick-like, hair. I wonder why, when they are able to take such extreme follicle security, they don't extend the protection to the generator room or OR access. Seriously, the power goes out, the back-up generators are slow to come on, no one checks on them even when MANNY hacks into them with a fire axe. Alan wanders around aimlessly telling hospital people to "do something" until Monica forces him to do it himself. I sense a lawsuit - no, these are mob guys - a shootout, to come.

Everyone who loves Jason (i.e., a crowd of pretty women) commiserated and consoled and cried their way through this episode. Sonny and Carly decided to "just be friends" realizing that they were co-dependents and unhealthy for each other. Sam and Monica bonded in a mother/daughter way. Robin negotiated a working truce between the Drs. Drake, the famous - or infamous - father/son, neurosurgeons extraordinaire. Jason mostly dreamed(?) helpful suggestions from everyone with one slightly disturbing visit from MANNY. It was kind of creepy when he opened his eyes and listened in on conversation while they cut on his brain.

MANNY, meanwhile has been lurking, lurking. Evil genius that he is, he has determined that he can do just about anything he wants with absolutely no consequences. When last seen he was inside the OR preparing his latest mischief. I hope MANNY wins.

Luke has blackmailed (I believe he actually prefers to call it "negotiated") a deal to get Jax to give up 50% of the Metro Court Hotel to Carly. Jax won't divulge to Skye what Luke has on him, but he later confronts Dr. Meadows rather angrily. (Me thinks the lady doth reveal paternity of the babe al la Courtney to be of the non-Jax persuasion.)

LuLu is causing headaches of the money kind and otherwise for Tracey. Tracey pulls LuLu out of her snowmobile accident to confront daddy Luke with her theft of $15,000 from Tracey's Swiss account. Luke makes plans for LuLu to work off the debt at the newly acquired Metro Court - so convenient!

Jesse, AKA the show's most annoying character, and Maxie, who ranks a very close 2nd, have pizza with Liz and Lucky. Lucky gets Jesse to agree to get him the info on MANNY. Lucky thinks he has earned the right to take out MANNY himself. Good luck, probie. MANNY is the MAN here.

Emily signs her divorce papers and throws them at Courtney just as Nikolas shows up. He then signs his and prepares to deliver them to Alexis for filing. They are both obviously emotional over it so Courtney decides to leave so they can talk it out. On her way out a branch falls on Courtney, or she slips, or she slips and a branch falls on her, or someone hits her with a branch, or she faked the whole thing with the blood and everything... Anyway, she's down and her leg is bleeding and Nikolas takes her back inside Sonny's house with the help of some random guy walking by the head mob guy's fortress of security. (These people need to get their act together.) Emily takes one look at Courtney and freezes up like a cherry popsicle. She apologizes all over and swears that it isn't because she's mad at Courtney and Nikolas comforts her. He realizes that it is her guilt and insecurity over Reese's death that has her so incapacitated, NOT her slowly simmering anger and emotional insecurity over Courtney stealing her man. Nikolas assures Emily that she will get better and be a great doctor someday. Courtney wakes up just in time to see them embrace.

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