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General Hospital Update for Friday, 30-Dec-2005

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Fri, 30-Dec-2005 4:52:16 PM PDT

It’s New Year’s Eve and everyone is looking for a honey to snog at midnight. The usual suspects are assembling: Jason and Sam are tossing back a couple of beers at the penthouse, Lucky and Liz are headed out for a romantic dinner together, Dillon and Georgie are hanging at Kelly’s with Maxie and Jesse. Of course, this is a soap opera, and, as we all know, soap operas live on the not-so-usual...


Carly busts in on Jason and Sam and lets it be known that Jason is expected at her New Year’s party at the Metro Court. Because she is a benevolent dictator, she will allow Sam to come also. She swears that she did not invite - and does not want - Sonny at her coming-out ball, but... As soon as she leaves Jason calls Max and has him inform Sonny of the event and his requested presence. Sam then blows out the candles on their cozy evening at home and changes into something less comfortable but entirely more glamorous. Once at the party Sam lets loose on a uninvited (and soon to be thrown out) Alexis and Ric over Alexis defending Manny Ruiz in court. Carly likes what she sees. Anyone that takes on Alexis the uber-bitch is all right with Carly. Jason and Sam stay long enough to be seen and supportive, but head back to the penthouse to ring in the New Year with a bottle of beer by the fireplace.

The Quartermaine’s New Year’s eve bash isn’t quite as exciting. In fact, it isn’t even existing. No one has shown up. Edward believes Luke is to blame. Luke believes the Quartermaine snootiness has done them in. Either way, when Dr. Noah Drake arrives Luke suggests they all adjourn to the Metro Court to which this party’s intended guests have already retired. Noah and Skye take him up on the offer and the three of them meet up with Carly and Jax and the rest of Port Charles’s glitterati for some actual fun.

Noah runs into Bobbi and the party and she comments that he looks sober this evening. He admits that he is, indeed, sober. Bobbi thinks it looks good on him.

Jax takes Luke aside and tries to rescind his sale of the Metro Court to Carly now that he has been “cleared” of baby-swapping. Luke isn’t having it. He knows the first test was fixed and hints that the second was also. Jax denies any involvement in the second test and Luke coyly remarks that he knows it wasn’t Jax that did the fixing this time. Luke seems to be in the groove tonight as he ends up getting Skye all to himself at midnight.

Courtney is waiting for Nikolas at her loft when Jax shows up to tell her that all flights are being diverted from Port Charles Airport. He invites her to come to Metro Court instead of waiting home alone for Nikolas. Besides, he points out, isn’t Carly her best friend? She should support Carly’s reemergence into society rather than sit home eating too much ice cream. She protests, but not long after he’s left she heads out the door herself.

Nikolas, meanwhile, has managed to get to Port Charles and finds the loft empty when he gets there. He sees the Invitation from Jax on the table and realizes that Courtney didn’t wait for him. Nikolas then leaves for the Quartermaine party which is over when he arrives. Edward called midnight early and everyone left. Everyone but Emily.

At Kelly’s the less-than-legal-age crowd gather together for New Year’s revelry. LuLu (seemingly wearing OLTL Adrianna’s dress) manages to steal Georgie’s letter to Diego out of Georgie’s purse and passes it to Dillon. Dillon is angry that Georgie is still friends with Diego and jumps down Lucas’s throat when he comes to Georgie’s defense. Dillon then goes over the line and accuses Lucas of hitting on Georgie. Georgie takes Dillon outside and tries to tell him what a butt he is making of himself. Finally, Lucas comes clean and comes out that he is gay. Dillon is stunned, not only that Lucas is gay but that he didn’t ever tell him. Lucas is relieved that Dillon is cool with him, but leaves early and alone.

Lucky and Liz’s car dies on the way to the restaurant and Lucky believes that they must be the unluckiest people in the world. Liz refuses to join the pity festival and starts a snowball fight in the park. They frolic and play until almost midnight when they head back to the car. Miraculously, the car starts as the radio is counting down the last seconds till midnight.

Carly is, once again, the belle of the ball. Her party is a spectacular success, all the cool kids came. Lorenzo acknowledges her triumph even as she apologizes(!) for blowing off Diego’s trial. Sonny never shows, but she’s dancing on the bar anyway. As the bells chime in 2006 and the champagne flows and the confetti flies all seems well in dear Port Charles. Long live the queen!

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