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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 11-Jan-2006
Author: |
mybrianna |
Posting date: | Wed, 11-Jan-2006 5:09:05 PM PDT |
Jax takes back his shares of the hotel from Karly after he came clean with Courtney and Nickolas yesterday about rigging the paternity tests. Luke no longer has anything to blackmail him with. However, after Courtney confides in Carly about her troubles with Jax and Nicholas, Carly decides to use the situation to her advantage. She tells Jax she will try to nudge Courtney in his direction if he will let her keep her shares in the hotel.
Emily and Dr.Patricks date went well and after Lucky tells Nicholas about their date and "fight" at Colemans bar, Nicholas goes to GH to talk to Emily and to get the goods on Patrick. After getting less than flattering reports on Dr.Patrick Drake from Robin, Nicholas buts in on a conversation between Emily and Patrick which ends in the two exchanging blows. Nicholas then goes to Courtneys apartment and the two again argue over Emily and Jax and Nicholas storms out.
Jesse wakes up after being shot and, with Maxi sitting by his side, tells Alexis that he overheard Jason saying he was going to kill Manny. Meanwhile, Sam has a dream about Manny stealing her and Jasons baby and awakes to tell Jason. This brings up the "Lets have a baby" conversation once again in which Jason is concerned for Sams health and wants to wait but Sam wants to have a baby now. The cops arrive at their apartment and arrest Jason for attempted murder of Manny after Alexis blabs to Durant about Jesses statement. Sam arrives at the PCPD shortly after and thanks Alexis with a sound slap in the face.
Tracey summons Luke, Skye, LuLu, Dillion and Alice and lays down the law after finding out that Luke will get no money from Carly because of the failed blackmailing scheme. Luke is to be faithful or face court and alimony, Skye is to stay away from Luke, LuLu is to obey all household rules, Dillion is to play babysitter to LuLu and Alice is to no longer cater to Luke only to Tracey. Dillion and Luke hatch a plan to trick Tracey into thinking Luke wants to kill her, hoping it will make Tracey want to get rid of him at any cost.
Elizabeth and Lucky finally get alone time and a chance to bond at Colemans bar.