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General Hospital Update for Friday, 13-Jan-2006
Author: |
bldzivw |
Posting date: | Fri, 13-Jan-2006 4:43:36 PM PDT |
Sam wants to get pregnant. So what else is new? She is worried that she won’t be a good mom. See above comment. Jason thinks it’s Alexis putting these thoughts in her head. So what. Alexis is a shrieking harpy and Sam is a wilting flower. Jason should just change his name back to Quartermaine and be done with it all.
Nik and Courtney have decided to be happy and to hell with what everyone else thinks about it. They are flying to the Dominican Republic to finalize Courtney’s divorce from Jax and... wait for it... get married themselves. Indeed, Nik pops the question and, after much uncertainty, Courtney says yes. They agree that they love each other, that they have always felt safe and free with each other, and they are ready to stop trying to live up to anyone else’s desires. Let’s hope Courtney feels safe and free enough to mention that Nik’s hair has looked like crap for a while now. We know they can afford a trip to the barber. There’s just no good excuse...
Emily catches Sonny threatening Dr. Drake the Younger with extreme digit damage should Patrick hurt Emily in any way. She lays into Sonny for playing the I-can’t-have-her-and-neither-can-you game. Sonny spits back that she only went out with Patrick because he, the great and mighty Sonny, had turned her away. Emily is fired up and runs over to Jason to tell him to butt out of her and Sonny’s affairs. Jason says he didn’t tell Sonny what to do, but everyone knows he made it very obvious. Emily storms out to see Sonny who, in the meantime, is in session with Liz (who looks fabulous with her hair up). Surprisingly, Liz tells Sonny that he should hook up with Emily. She also warns him, as everyone has thus far, to be very, very careful not to hurt Emily. People must think Emily has the fortitude of a sugar cube. When Liz leaves and Emily arrives Sonny has to make his choice. He SAYS no. Then he kisses Emily. It’s NOT a little peck on the cheek.
Thankfully, Tracey Q has been drinking rat poison. Not really. She made it look like she drank rat poison so she could frame Luke for trying to kill her. Unfortunately, she was laughing so hard at her own cleverness that she ran off the road into the river while driving to the police station. Now no one can find her. Luke knows what’s going on, but he can’t prove it. He’s headed out of town until he can clear the mess up or Tracey comes back. Dillon believes that Tracey may actually be dead and gives the “She’s a Bitch But I Love My Mom” speech for the 768th time. Get a clue kid.