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General Hospital Update for Friday, 20-Jan-2006
Author: |
jackie_28465 |
Posting date: | Fri, 20-Jan-2006 3:23:04 PM PDT |
Secrets, courtroom drama, and revelations hit General Hospital today! Wow! What an interesting time the cast had. Lucas ,after returning to Jake's to beat up Frank, is hauled into see Lucky.BEcause of this gay basher's mistreatment, Lucas seeks revenge on his own. Lucas says: "I stood up for myself,and it felt good." Lucky interrogates Frank, the basher, who tells Lucky that Lucas is a queer who had hit on him. Naturally,Lucky is confused. Georgie and the others try to get Lucas to tell the truth because now he is in hot water with the law. Bobbi has been worried about Lucas who did not come home the night before. SOoooooooo. She wants to know the truth too. Lucas blurts out that he is gay and a disappointment to all. An emotional Lucas says: " Look at Lucky, he's straight ,and a bona fide Spencer." He says:" Mom, this is not your fault."Bobbi looks bewildered and hurt. The truth is out now so how will Bobbi and Tony deal with this declaration that Lucas has tried to hide? IT is indeed a time for this family to really talk to their son. Harbouring a secret as volatile as this can't be good for anyone. Right?
In the meantime, Alexis, the lawyer is interrogating Sam ,. Sam is so emotional,,so on edge.. that she is pouring out her heart to this jury. Previously when Sam irritated Manny, things got rather scary when Manny, again, attacked Sam.This seems to be Sam's vendetta.Sam says, believe me, he has not changed."A boiling Sam sees Jason walk in. HE is immediately called to take the stand. This is such a realistic scene to this fan. Alexis tries to compare the changes in Manny to Jason's changes after his auto accident.Jason says to Alexis.: " I do not remember the Jason you refer to soooo." Alexis badgers him til she is stopped by the judge. When asked if he thinks that the operation has changed Manny , Jason says" absolutely not". He adds : "He is still the perverted mental case he was." AT this time, Jason is in the dark about the latest SAm-Manny incident. Finally, Jason steps down, and Manny is called to the stand to witness. Ric looks like "OH me, What are you doing ,Alexis.?" the courtroom gets really quiet as a softspoken Manny tells his story. Sam yells out that he is a liar, etc. Manny feigns dizziness so all take a break. In the holding cell,Manny tries to destroy Sam's tape. AT this time, someone enters the room and shoots Manny. Where is Sam now?
A lot goes on between LuLu and Tracy. Skye is trying to help LuLu ,but LuLu is told to leave by Tracy. When LuLu gets to Nik's, he comforts her, spills his own hurts to her, and returns her to the Quartermaine's home.As GH fans can see, this was a riveting time of emotional outbursts, confessions, and revenge. What will happen next?