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General Hospital Update for Friday, 27-Jan-2006

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Fri, 27-Jan-2006 6:48:52 PM PDT

Emily is running late for work at the hospital. Robin informs her that the chief resident has called in today so she is not caught. Emily is relieved her good girl reputation is not yet ruined. She is ready to turn around and run back to Sonny’s when she reaches in her pocket and finds a postcard from the Skyline Creek Lodge. On the back of the card it says simply “9:00 - tonight.” Liz is reading over her shoulder and informs her that the Lodge is only the most exclusive resort for 100 miles. Of course, it is a command performance from Mr Corinthos himself and Emily is only too happy to oblige.

Sonny is at home telling Max that the big meeting tonight is to get everyone up to speed on the MANNY situation. Sonny tells Max that Jason will be running the meeting as he has “plans.” Jason walks in and realizes Sonny is speaking of plans with his little sister. He tells Sonny that he has spoken to Emily and he told her she should end this relationship before it starts. Jason says that if Emily doesn’t do it, Sonny had better. Sonny won’t hear it. He says he gets enough of this talk from Carly and that he and Emily can make their own decisions. Sonny reminds Jason that Jason didn’t listen to him when he gave the same speech to Jason about his little sister Courtney. Jason acknowledges this and admits that Sonny had been right and he should have listened. Just like Sonny should listen to him now and spare Emily what happened to him and Courtney. Sonny tells Jason to go to his meeting and do what he’s good at.

Later, Sonny thinks about it and calls Emily. He is going to tell her that the Lodge is off but she doesn’t feel they should have to compromise their feelings. Sonny reconsiders his reconsidering and tells her he is headed to the Lodge and if she comes – great, if not – no hard feelings. Emily hangs up and heads for the door, dropping her postcard on the way out. MANNY picks it up and pockets it.

Lucky dropped by MANNY’s room at Kelly’s earlier and let him know that he is being watched. MANNY tells him that he is headed for the hospital to begin his community service. MANNY says he’ll tell Lucky’s pretty wife “hello.” When he shuts the door we see Lorenzo is paying MANNY a visit and has even given him a little “gift.” Turns out the present removes MANNY’s ankle monitor which Jason finds lying on the radiator when he does a little monitoring of his own. Jason also finds the postcard from the Lodge and, putting 2 and 2 together, realizes MANNY is headed out to get Sonny and Emily.

At the Lodge, Sonny waffles about his decision. He knows Carly and Jason are not happy. He knows that he will never forgive himself if Emily gets hurt. He leaves a rose on the table and heads out. Emily arrives and calls for Sonny. She sees the rose and figures he changed his mind. She remembers Jason’s warning and decides it is just as well. She turns to leave. Sonny shows. They talk a little – a very little – and then they are all over each other. They are barely dressed when Jason bursts in, gun drawn.

Flowers arrive at the Quartermaine’s for Skye and everyone assumes they are another surprise from Luke. When Tracy steals the card everyone, but Skye, is disappointed they are from Lorenzo. Tracy doesn’t believe that Skye has any real intentions toward Lorenzo. She thinks that Skye is just trying to make Luke jealous. Sky thinks that Tracy is the jealous one. Lorenzo arrives and assures Tracy that his intentions are “less than honorable” but totally sincere with Skye.

LuLu can’t figure out what Luke was trying to tell her with the shrunken head he sent. She is worried about him. Georgie comes in and informs them that the professor at school said the skull was not human and that there was something inside it. They decide to take it to Robin to X-ray. Robin laughs and remembers that her father gave her one of these when she was a child. She X-rays it and said that whatever is in it is square and flat. This is less than helpful so she takes a pair of shears to it and finds the mysterious object is actually a matchbook from a hotel in the Maarkam Islands. LuLu calls the hotel but no Luke Spencer is registered there. Turns out, this room belonged to a Dr. Von Skimmerman, but he has left. Skye recognizes that this is one of Luke’s aliases.

Meanwhile Luke is in the Maarkam Islands posing as Dr. Von Skimmerman. A hotel worker tells him that there is “unrest” on the island and that he should stay indoors for the remainder of his trip. Luke would have done this but someone darts him with a blowgun and drags him to a hut in the middle of nowhere. Seems the natives thought that Dr. Von Skimmerman was actually a doctor. They have a sick boy they want him to look at. Luke tries to explain that he is just pulling a scam but it doesn’t translate well. Finally, he pulls out some TicTacs and gives the kid one. Impossibly, the boy gets better (diabetes?). The grateful stereotypes try to give Luke a gift for his help. Luke turns down the offer of the headman’s daughter and tries to turn down the boy’s pet chimp. Then they offer him and drink - and Luke never turns down a drink. When he wakes up the hut is on fire and everyone, except the chimp, is gone. Luke grabs the chimp and hightails it out of there too. As Luke is leaving a very serious-looking Robert Scorpio arrives.

“And so it begins…”

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