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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 15-Feb-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Thu, 16-Feb-2006 1:50:43 AM PDT

Just your typical jam-packed day in Port Chuckles! The highlights were Dylan's dream, Tracy's visit to the Chapel, Jason and Carly's search for the Crylium Industries lab and Maxie's collapse in the elevator. Did I forget Courtney? Anyway, on to the action.
Newlyweds Dylan and Georgie are having some alone time in Dylan's hospital room. He's back in bed (with help from the harassed hospital staff) after collapsing while dancing with his bride--and yes, the fever has come roaring back. Tracy is looking thru the window and soon becomes the next cast member to pay a visit to the hospital chapel.
Tracy makes the following deal with God: that she will mend her lyin' cheatin' evil ways if he spares Dylan--and doesn't realize that Luke overhears every word. Luke tries to make her feel better as only he can--but poo poos her behavior change, and jokes about her getting a personality transplant! He then gets serious and tells Tracy that he thinks that Dylan will beat it.
In the meantime, there's plenty of action going on in Dylan's hospital room! (NOT THAT, you dirty mind!! :)) ) Dylan has a vivid dream that he and Georgie get married in the gazebo in winter. I loved Georgie's wedding dress; it actually reminded me of Felicia's when she married Frisco. The dream is topped off by their dance and the bride and groom feeding each other wedding cake.
All is not so rosy for Georgie's sister Maxie. While returning Nicholas to his room, she and Nick get stuck in the elevator--and of course, she has heart problems, collapsing. Nick panics, but ex-wife Emily comes to the rescue and saves the day, giving him instructions thru a hole in the elevator shaft, all while having to deal with a nervous Mac at the same time. Em finally passes Nick a defibillator, along with a syringe of epinephrin, giving him instructions on both. The elevator is finally opened with help from resident bad guy Manny, who figures out how to get into the control panel, which I'm sure made Mac feel real comfortable, not!
While all of this is going on, Carly and Jason are running thru the jungle, looking for the Crylium Industries lab. Even though Carly is sick, she's still able to keep up with Jason--which leads one to ask this question: how is it that some people, like Nick,Carly and Alexis, are recovering, even though they haven't had any serum? Just something to think about.....Anyway, Luke's chimp makes an appearance, and Carly tells him to take to the lab. (I swear I am not making this up!)
Liz in the meantime has had a call from a very sick Lucky, who is on the verge of death, telling her goodbye. She collapses in grief at the Nurses' station and is comforted by Patrick. She pulls herself together and goes to check on patients.
Now let's talk about Courtney. Courtney is back in Port Chuck, but unfortunately has the virus. Because of this, she insists that the baby is born via c-section, to give it a fighting chance, even though she knows that this decision could kill her. Jax spends most of the hour trying to talk her out this decision, but agrees to support her in the end. At the last minute, with Courtney on the table, the doctor refuses to do the section, saying that because her fever is so high, this could kill Courtney, which is where we leave off. Stay tuned!

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