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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 16-Feb-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Thu, 16-Feb-2006 6:31:45 PM PDT |
The virus continues to tear through Port Charles today--but there's some good news for a change! Sonny makes a full recovery and is discharged from GH, while Lulu comes back to cheer up Nicholas, who is riding it out. Jason and Carly finally find where Lucky is being held hostage, and Courtney's fever drops and it's decided that she can go thru with the C Section. Now on to the details......
Sonny gets dressed and says his goodbyes to his friends in the hospital. After stopping by Rick's room and running into Alexis, he promises to take Christina and Molly home with him. As he's walking out the door with the kids, including Michael and Max (who's glad to be off baby-sitting duty), he's stopped by Robert, who at this point is slightly less popular than Saddam Hussein among the rest of the cast.
Robert tries to stop him from leaving the hospital, which as you can imagine goes over really big with Port Chuck's resident hood. Robin and Emily step in to say that the incubation period has passed, and everyone at Chez Corinthos is now out of danger, which makes Robert look like a jerk in the process. After everyone leaves, Robin tells Robert that Sonny was good to her for many years and leaves it at that.
Robert is definately not having a good day, as we can see from his next scene! He's confronted by Luke and Liz, who demand to find out what he knows about Crylium Industries, where Lucky is being held hostage. Robert tries to stonewall Luke, which as we know is a BIG mistake. After accusing him of possibly working for them, Luke decides that he's going to get on a plane to find Lucky. He's talked out of this by Lulu and decides to stick around to make more serum for Nicholas.
Speaking of Lucky and the action in the Markham Islands, Jason and Carly are running thru the jungle and spot a body bag, which they think contains Lucky's body. After sucking it up and unzipping it, they discover the body of the fake doctor that Jason shot in the hotel room--and stumble on an even bigger prize: the good doctor's security pass to the Crylium Industries Lab. Just in time, too, because two grave diggers almost catch them!
The dynamic duo find the lab, buried in the bowels of the jungle. They stumble on Lucky, who says that he got the antidote. After Jason breaks into a cabinet with syringes, he asks Lucky if that's the antidote, and Lucky says that he thinks so. Carly says "Only one way to find out", and prepares to inject herself with it!
And finally, on to Courtney. She's comforted by Nicholas, who climbs out of his sick bed to be with her. Her test results are good, as the baby's vitals are strong and Courtney's fever is dropping, which means on with the C-Section! Tune in tomorrow!