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General Hospital Update for Friday, 17-Feb-2006
Author: |
bldzivw |
Posting date: | Fri, 17-Feb-2006 4:54:07 PM PDT |
Carly is injecting drugs. It may be “good” drugs – the antidote to the virus – or, it might be more of the virus itself. Either way, this should all be over soon.
Jason is not thrilled with Carly’s idea of becoming a medical guinea pig, but he’s too late to do anything about it. She justifies her self-trial by pointing out how well Lucky is doing now. Jason is almost panicky at her sickness and allows her the one beer she found in a refrigerator. She reminisces about a hot summer in Florida when her mom, Virginia, left her to fend for herself while she “entertained” a boyfriend. She surmises that her luck with men must be congenital. She adds that Jason is the only one who ever stuck with her.
Lucky returns from scouting the area and Jason asks him to take the vial of antidote back to Port Charles. Lucky doesn’t want to leave the two of them behind. Jason insists but then – MIRACLE OF MIRACLES – Carly rises and announces that her fever is broken. They all prepare to head for Port Charles with the 1 vial of antidote when 3 goons burst in and open fire on them. But – WONDER OF WONDERS – none of them is hit. Jason dispatches the bad guys easily. The only casualty in our trio of heroes is the vial of antidote shattered in Lucky’s pocket.
They begin searching the lab for more of the vials and Carly finds a bill of lading for a shipment that left yesterday for… Port Charles. Coincidentally, Big Alice opens the door of the Quartermaine mansion to find a box from Crylium Industries. As she reaches for it she is darted in the neck and passes out. Someone else grabs the package and leaves.
Emily sees Sonny off to the Corinthos lair with his passle o’ babies. She then collapses on the floor. Liz and Monica find her and Monica runs tests to see if she has contracted the virus. Luckily, she hasn’t. They both admonish her for overdoing and send her home to get some sleep. As she is leaving the hospital she runs into Sonny who is fighting to get back inside to see her. Sonny is relieved Emily is OK and decides she should come to his place for a meal and a rest and she is eager to comply. Emily relaxes on the couch while Sonny and Michael make dinner. Afterwards, Sonny says it’s time he “put her to bed.” She decides to take him at his word – his exact word.
Luke is out of blood. They won’t be making any more of Luke’s Lifesaving Elixer any time soon. He is worried that LuLu will lose both of her brothers and is desperate to find a way to save Nikolas for her. Robin believes that Dillon’s blood may be the key. Dillon threw off the virus and should carry the antibodies in his blood also. Dr. Patrick asks Dillon to submit to the bloody procedure and (after some lame and ineffectual arguments against the idea from Georgie) he agrees to do it.
Tracey is acting strangely – nice-like. Luke is holding her to her word to be kinder and gentler. She is pleasant to LuLu, she praises Dillon’s selflessness, then she goes in for the kill: she informs Georgie and Dillon that their marriage isn’t legal as Max is not Georgie’s legal guardian. She then hands Georgie the phone – it seems Georgie’s mother wishes weigh in on their wedded bliss.
Maxie is pretty sure she is about to die after her most recent heart attack. She says as much to Lucas when he visits and then apologizes for being so insensitive when he has just lost his dad. Lucas tells her that Tony taught him to share his feelings with those he loves. Maxie shares that her life has been a chaotic mess. She always felt as if she was trying to life up to and, simultaneously, live down everyone’s expectations. She’s known that all of this was just borrowed time. She makes Lucas promise to not let her die in the hospital. She wants to be somewhere pretty.
Nikolas and Courtney (and baby) are curled up together like a happy, sweaty, feverish little family. The doctor informs them that Courtney’s fever is down enough to perform the C-section today. They glisten with anticipation.
Jax and Nikolas share their misgivings about the baby being born so soon and Courtney’s risk in having the C-section when she is so ill. Courtney makes Jax promise that he will not fight with Nikolas, that they will all raise this baby in peace. She then tells Nikolas that she loves him and that she is excited for the baby to be born.
Mike comes down to the OR area to see Courtney and wait for the baby. Talking with her dad Courtney finally gives way to her own fears for the baby, but Mike reassures her that all will be well. Mike isn’t as confident as he and Nikolas wait outside the OR. They share their worries and Mike notices that Nikolas is rapidly getting sicker. Soon Nikolas is on the floor. Dr. Patrick warns that the serum he has for Nikolas may have come too late.
In the OR the doctor announces that Courtney and Jax have a baby boy… a very quiet baby boy.