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General Hospital Update for Monday, 20-Feb-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Mon, 20-Feb-2006 4:45:28 PM PDT

A bittersweet day in Port Charles today, as the start of a new life sadly means saying goodbye to an old friend.
Courtney has her baby, and it's a boy. Due to complications from the fever and being premature, etc., he's whisked off to the NICU before we can say Jack Robinson. Jax tags along to make sure everything is OK.
After the NICU kicks him out, Jax shows up at Courtney's bedside--just in time to hear her get marching orders from the doctor: the new mom MUST stay in bed and give herself time to heal. Courtney tells him that she's decided on a name for her son: John Michael, after both of their fathers.
Even Jax can't deal with the guilt anymore. He confesses to Courtney that he paid off a lab tech at Mercy Hospital to lie on the results of the second paternity test--and Nicholas is the real father! He says he did it because he was afraid of what Helena Cassidine would do to Courtney and her son.
Courtney is furious, and calls the Nurse to have Nicholas come to her room. While she and Jax are waiting, her health steadily goes downhill and she becomes more forgiving of him. She wishes him peace and a family of his own when Nicholas gets there. She flatlines before she can tell Nicholas about his son.
On a lighter note, Emily and Sonny finally gave in and did the horizontal mambo (about time). From the looks of things, it looked like they did the nasty at Sonny's guesthouse--but didn't seem like they actually made it into a bed! And of course, Carly puts two and two together and figures it out! But more on that later.
Speaking of Carly, she and Jason are headed back to PC on a private jet. She's all puffed up over their little escapade in the jungle and tells Jason that they should work together all the time. Jason looks at her thinking "And they call ME brain damaged???" Jason calls Sonny and tells him about the antidote that was sent to an unknown PC address. They reach Port Charles and Jason goes to see Sam at the hospital and Carly shows up on Sonny's doorstep--and runs right into Emily!!
Em does a fast tapdance, which doesn't convince Carly in the least (you can't kid a kidder, right?) Carly goes up to Sonny and says "You slept with her, right?" And the look on Sonny's face said "Uhhh Yeah!"
Getting back to GH...the latest person to get the killer virus is Dr. Robin Scorpio--and the last person she wants to see is dear old dad, aka Robert Scorpio!!
Robin's lying in her bed with her required O2 canula and disgusting blue hospital gown on (it's the required uniform at GH) when Robert bursts in giving her the big lecture about not overdoing it, etc. She gets furious and kicks him out, not before Patrick tells her that he knows a few things about deadbeat dads.
And now about that mysterious person who grabbed the box of antidote that Alice was reaching for when she got hit by a dart: The box is opened, and one vial is sent to GH in care of Robert, placed in what looks like a ring box. Robert opens the box, sees the vial and says Oh God. We see the mysterious woman's hands pouring herself a glass of champagne--and it's none other than Holly Scorpio, aka Robert's ex-wife #1 and GH's latest walk down memory lane! Welcome back, Emma Samms! It's gonna get GOOD!!!!!

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