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General Hospital Update for Friday, 3-Mar-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Wed, 08-Mar-2006 12:23:50 AM PDT |
A fitting end to a busy week in Port Charles, with the start of a juicy new storyline!
Everyone's recovering from the virus at their homes, and some are still grieving those that lost their lives--but some are moving forward.
Alexis and Rick are making a commitment to finding the baby daughter that she was forced to give up for adoption almost 26 years ago. Rick explains to his wife that in order to put his lawyer skills to full use to help her, he must know everything that Alexis remembers about the day she gave birth as a scared 16 year old girl. Alexis hesitates and starts to tell him everything she remembers about that day: May 11th, 1980.
Fast forward to Sam, who has just gotten the word from Robin that DNA testing has been done on Danny and there is no way he is her biological brother, meaning that she was adopted. She wonders outloud to Jason as she gets ready for Danny's funeral, who she really is--and why her mother gave her up.
Maxie is in the cemetary and comes upon Nickolas, who has just driven his car into a ditch and has a possible concussion. (he's probably still lit, don't ya think?) He tells Maxie that he's looking for Courtney's grave. After she offers to help him find it, he suddenly remembers that she's cremated and doesn't have one. He follows her to General Hospital, where Emily looks him over.
Speaking of the hospital, Jax is keeping his vigil at little John's bedside, where he's joined by Robin. He tells her how great Carly's been with Courtney's son, and Robin scoffs at it, saying that Carly's always been number one in her life and has shuffled her own children around constantly. Robin heads back to the nurses's station--just in time to get into the middle of some father-son bonding time (NOT) with Patrick and Noah. Noah's liver is flaring up and Patrick tried to get Robin to convince him to sign up for a transplant--which goes over like a lead balloon!
The Nurses' Station is a busy place at GH--as Emily treats Nicholas there, just in time to come upon Sonny--who comes upon Carly, on her way to see Little John. Carly is fooled into thinking that Sonny and Em's relationship has cooled for the time being. The lovebirds have made a date for the Guesthouse and more on that in a minute!
The last few minutes of the show are set in the cemetary, after Danny's funeral, where Sam and Jason are the only mourners. Sam asks for a few minutes alone, and bumps into Alexis--who has come to put flowers on Danny's grave, and wanted to do it when noone was there. It goes from bad to worse when Sam accuses her of killing Danny!Oh and did I tell you that Sam was talking about her birthday: May 11th, 1980--the same date Alexis' daughter was born??? Shivers down the spine!!!
But the show ends with a bang (for real!) when Emily and Sonny are at the Guesthouse and things are heating up. Clothes are coming off, when Michael and Morgan pop up. They are playing the ultimate game of hide and seek and find a key to let themselves in!!! Ooops!!!!!!!!!