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General Hospital Update for Monday, 6-Mar-2006

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Mon, 06-Mar-2006 3:34:51 PM PDT

General Hospital seems to be recovering from the effects of the deadly virus. Jax is still watching over little John Michael as he grows stronger. Nikolas is in a dark mood ,and takes his pain out on JAX and others.He ,at first, does apologize to Mike and Elizabeth for making such a scene at Courtney's Memorial Service. Yet, when Nik asks Mike, Court's dad, if he can have her ashes, Mike says:" You must ask Jax." A determined Jax tells Nik that he does not want Court's ashes blown all over the sea. He wants Courtney to be buried in the traditional way with a headstone. His argument is that Little John will want to know where his mom was interred.As their argument becomes more heated, Liz and Em try to pull them apart. Elizabeth is worried about Nikolas's state of anger and emptiness. Emily cannot really reach Nik because she is planning to leave town for a few days with Sonny. She is still awestruck by him.She and Sonny were fortunate not to be seen in disarray by little Michael. Michael and Morgan almost walked in on these two lovers. Thanks to faithful Max .. the two intruders were stopped. Ha Don't these two adults know that slyly seeing one another is not the answer to a healthy romance. ? :-)
Sam and Jason are searching on the internet for her birth certificate while Ric and Alexis are doing the same. Prior to this on -line search, Jason told Alexis to stay away from a grieving Sam. Sam blatantly tells Alexis that she will never forgive her. She blames Danny's demise on Alexis' greed for the antibiotic. A distressed Alexis is defended by her knight in shining armor.. Ric. When RIC finds NO birth record for a baby girl born in Maine on Mother's DAY.. MAY 11, 1980, Alexis and Ric are puzzled.SAm and Alexis, not knowing what the other is doing, have very mixed emotions about this journey to birthhood. Sam does say: " I want to know where I am from."
Nikolas tells Mike to sign the papers so Courtney's ashes can be released to him. Mike assumes that Jax has agreed to this. I miss Courtney sooooooo much. She was a sweet presence,a bright spirit on GH. Yet, we fans wish her well in her pursuit of whatever she wishes to pursue. Tune in tomorrow to seek the answers you may have in connection to this Alexis... Sam quest for motherhood.

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