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General Hospital Update for Friday, 10-Mar-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 12-Mar-2006 5:53:44 PM PDT

Whoa...this Alexis-Sam story line is just shooting along! Lots of action on that front today, along with other good stuff. On to the show!
When we left off on Thursday, Sam was knocking on her birthmother's door--and Alexis and Ric heard a knock on the door of the New York apartment where they were spending the night. Turns out that Sam and Jason ran into what they thought was a dead end: the woman who they visited had indeed had a baby on May 11th, 1980 at the same place where Alexis had given birth--but she had had a son. Even though she couldn't help them, she described Alexis to a T to Sam and Jason--and correctly named the private school where she was a student!
That knock on Alexis' door? It was just a Security guard checking on the place. Speaking of Alexis, she's still grieving over what she thought was the truth in her file from the law firm: that her daughter was hit by a car and died at age three. She's grieving with Ric and tells him that the apartment they are in was the place she was taken to recuperate after the birth. She tells her husband that she tried to sneak out to get her daughter, but didn't have the guts to get by Mikos Cassedine, her father.
Meanwhile, Sam and Jason have found Alexis' private high school and ask for information on any sophomores who took time off in 1980. The school administrator helping them easily locates the needed records on computer, but refuses to release names--another dead end, or so we think! We forget that we're dealing with one of Port Charles' best hoods in Jason!
After close of business, Jason and Sam break into the school's office in about 5 minutes. They can't get into the computer system, but locate a 1980 yearbook--and spot one sophomore whose picture isn't available. Sam thinks her name is wierd and tries out "Davidovitch" on her tongue, when Jason makes the connection and freaks out. Jason tells Sam that Alexis Davidovitch is actually Alexis Davis--and Sam is stunned, realizing that Alexis is actually her mother! (Wait till Mommy Dearest finds out :)) )
Two other story lines are coming back. First off, Frank, Port Chuck's resident gay-basher, is caught after he tried to rearrange Guy's face next to Kelly's. Guy is a new character who I think was brought in as a possible love interest for Lucas??? (Can we say Brokeback Mountain??) Guy is ready to make a statement and press charges, while Lucas is hesitant at first, but is guilted into also making one at the PCPD. Lucas makes his statement after Guy, and Frank is booked as a result. Lucas tried to get approval from Guy--and even asks him out, but he's not having any!
Tracy is still hot on breaking up Dylan and Georgie, and listens to Luke when he says that coming out against the marriage is only going to make it more attractive for the lovebirds to be together. Therefore, she uses reverse psychology on them, saying she loves the fact that they are together--and proceeds to kick them out of the mansion! The happy couple doesn't fall for it and decided to call her bluff and move out. I'm sure that they're going to do what anyone in PC does when they are banished--move to Kelly's! While waiting for Dylan, Georgie runs into Diego, who's now out on parole. Major oopsie!!!
The only other thing of note to happen today was that Sonny and Em are still having a rendezvous in Spain and actually had their first tiff! Cute.....
That's about it. Monday should be great!

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