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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006

Author: sweetsensation1966
Posting date: Wed, 22-Mar-2006 7:01:43 AM PDT

Lorenzo and Sky get cozy at the Metro Court discussing baby plans when Tracy butts in with a pillow under her shirt to hurl insults at Sky telling Lorenzo to be careful saying "if there is a baby he better get a paternity test". Jax comes to Sky's defense threatening to throw Tracy out. After Tracy leaves Lorenzo brings up the "M" word to Sky, which she replies absolutely not...She likes him but..lets take things slow after all we barely dated...

Robin seeks out Patrick and walks in on him and Carly dancing so slowly..Robin makes a very public apology for ummm jumping to the wrong conclusion about a certain bet..But states she may have been wrong about the bet but not about him. Then Robin storms off back to GH where she is interrupted protesting to much to Alan and Monica and you guessed it in front of Patrick..

After Carly puts the breaks on Patrick at Jake's he heads to GH where he is told that is dying father has disappeared...

Carly heads to the MC and shares a moment with Jax when he tells here they are going to sleep together. Hey, everyone thinks they are already..So what could it hurt..

Luke asks Tracy to be the new hostess at the re-opening of the HS and tries to teach Tracy proper hostess behavior telling her to smile and slink..and show her gams...

Lulu tries to play matchmaker between her father and Sky, which backfires when Sky shows up with, you guessed it Lorenzo...

Sonny and the not so innocent Emily profess there honor at loving each other, after which Sonny tells Emily Sam's secret about her mum... Sonny is trying to push Emily away again.. But she won't hear of it and says she loves him no matter what and its okay as long as they are truthful with one another.. I guess its OK to lie to everyone else...

Jason tells Sam that if Sonny hurts his sister he will KILL him...Sam tries to talk sense to Jason, but Jason tells Sam she doesn't understand.. Sonny has a very dark side, giving her the details of his breakdowns..Sam reminds Jason that no one wanted them together and sometimes love knows no bounds..

Jason runs into Emily at the pier where she to our surprise lies to him again stating her and Sonny are just friends..but telling him her life is her own...Jason replies yes, but cryptically says that no matter what it takes he will protect her...

Sonny goes to confession and tells the father that he is afraid he is using defenseless Emily... After all he used mother (Alexis) and daughter (Sam) simply because he is afraid of being alone...Father tells Sonny he should give himself a chance at love and forgive himself as God has.. Sonny walks out of the confession booth and who is sitting in a pew... You guessed it Jason.. The temperature drops about 100 degrees in a second..

Jason icily glares at Sonny...saying Alexis and Sam are not his fault but that if he his with someone who he knows he will hurt then their pain will be...What does Sonny do? Yep, lies to Jason again saying that's why I did what you asked and gave Emily up... Do these two not remember that Jason is a human lie detector????

Alexis goes on to Rick at how Carly is unfit to be Christina's legal guardian, as if she has a right to throw stones...She also informs Rick that Carly is sleeping with Jax and is little John's guardian as well. Rick tells Alexis that this has nothing to do with Carly..but us here way of dealing with her guilt over giving up her first born... Imagine what will happen when she finds out its Sam...BOOM...

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