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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 22-Mar-2006
Author: |
shariten |
Posting date: | Thu, 23-Mar-2006 7:49:30 AM PDT |
Jason walks into Sonny�s house and proceeds to go upstairs, with his gun drawn. He opens the door to what appears to be Sonny�s room and then wakes up suddenly at the penthouse. Sam rushes to him and tells him it was all a bad dream. He and Sam continue to disagree over Soily. Sam (rightfully so) reminds him that you can not dictate love. Jason tells her that he must protect Emily at all costs even if that means having to injure Sonny, if necessary (someone should remind him about he and Courtney!)
Jason then gets a phone call and tells Sam that he has to go. Jason shows up at Michael�s school where Michael apparently missed a field trip because Carly had left the permission slip with Sonny who forgot to sign it and now Sonny can not be reached anywhere. Jason goes running over to Sonny�s place where he finds Benny�s brother (a new addition to the �family�) and Max discussing business. Jason gives some orders to Benny�s brother (I hate to say I forgot his name) and says that since Sonny can not be reached, that he is giving orders in his place.
Meanwhile, Jax goes to visit John and finds Carly actually holding him for the very first time. She says that she tried to wait for him to get there prior to taking the baby in her arms but she could not resist. Jax is fine with this and he and Carly share some quiet time with John while discussing their future. Their quiet time is interrupted when Carly is told that the school has been trying reach her about Michael. She is told that he could not go on his field trip because he didn�t have the permission slip that Sonny was supposed to give him and that Sonny can�t be reached. Apparently Emily was called as well but her cell phone was off and she could also not be reached. At this, Carly freaks out and goes running out of the hospital. She arrives at Sonny�s place and runs in while Jason, Max and Benny�s brother are discussing business. The two henchmen exit the room leaving Carly and Jason alone. Carly attempts to cover up for Sonny being MIA but Jason feels that he is being lied to once again. Later, back at the Penthouse, Sam explains to Jason that perhaps everyone feels as if they must lie to him because he isn�t being reasonable. They are at an impasse.
Meanwhile, Georgie has been re-reading her letters from Diego from when he was still in prison. As she is reading them, Dillon walks in and almost catches her. She pulls a fast one when he asks her what she is reading that is making her so upset and she pulls out a test that she had taken for which she received a B. Dillon is very upset that their marriage has them living a life of poverty and that it is also affecting her grades. He mentions that they live in the same place with a murderer (Manny) and a pervert (Diego). Georgie tries to defend Diego but Dillon becomes angry and leaves. Georgie begins to rip up the letters to throw them out but hears a knock at the door. She puts them in a plastic bag (save for one which fell out unbeknownst to her and is sitting near the trash) and shoves the bag under her bed. The knock at the door is Maxie who has come to visit her sister. Maxie is trying to make Georgie understand that Diego has feelings for her and that she feels that Georgie must end this friendship. Georgie finally understands and decides that she needs to meet with Diego right away and end whatever it is that they have going on. She and Maxie leave with the bag of letters still under the bed. Maxie meets Diego at the docks. She tells him that while she really does care for him, she very much loves her new husband and can not continue to lie to him about their friendship so it must end. Diego says that he understands and that he really cares about her but he will stay away. Meanwhile, Manny is a few feet away in a car with a thug and tells him that the beating last time was a warning but this has to be the real thing.
Skye finds Luke on the boat and says that she can only help for an hour. Luke is confused and asks her who called for her help. After a minute, Luke realizes that Lulu arranged to have Skye come to the boat so that she and Luke could have time together. Lulu tells them both that they are in love and belong together. She is visibly upset and storms away. Later on, Dillon comes to the boat asking Luke for a job. Luke reminds him that he isn�t 21 years old so he can�t be a bartender and he can�t deal cards. Luke then asks Dillon to watch over Lulu for him and he will pay him for it. Dillon accepts. Lulu then shows up at Dillon and Georgie�s place to speak with Dillon but he isn�t there. While writing him a note she finds the fallen letter on the floor. She picks it up and throws it in the trash without looking at it. As she is leaving, she sees the plastic bag of letters under the bed and pulls it out. They fall everywhere and as she is picking them up she glances at them and notices what they are.
Lanie is sent to question gay-basher Frank at the jail. He tells her that he doesn�t want a black lawyer. Justis over hears him being belligerent as Lanie is attemting to leave the holding room and Justis attacks Frank. Jesse hears what is going on and runs in to break it up.
There is a quick scene with Patrick and a nurse who I have never seen before. She is acting as kind of an �old soul� giving him some unsolicited advice on his MIA dad and how he needs to be nice to him once he finds him. Patrick tells her that next time he wants her advice, he�ll ask for it.