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General Hospital Update for Friday, 24-Mar-2006

Author: bldzivw
Posting date: Fri, 24-Mar-2006 4:13:31 PM PDT

Jason comes down stairs almost dressed to the nines. He always wears a suit coat with no tie. Why? Wear a blazer, a dinner jacket, a smoking jacket, a kimono, anything but this. It doesn�t look cool, dangerous, or sexy. It looks sloppy. Anyways, Sam is dressed in a very pretty green strapless number that fits her poorly and alternately looks like it is falling off or cutting off her circulation. How very unfortunate for them both.

They make their grand entrance to the Haunted Star and the first thing Jason sees is Sonny chatting intimately with his lil�sis Emily. Sonny plays it off as a mere coincidence. After all he�s is only at this shindig to keep an eye on Alcazar. Right.

After Alexis spills her drink all over Sam, her son (oops, husband) tries to convince Sam that it was yet another accident and that poor, poor Alexis is (once again) the victim. Truly she is, she lost her drink. Sam doesn�t see it that way and tells Alexis this. Alexis tries to get Sonny involved as she obviously has the right to throw drinks on just anyone. She is a mother after all, and the mother of one of Sonny�s numerous offspring at that. Ric tries (once again) to tell Sonny that his best friend Jason is a mindless thug bent on hurting his mother (oops, wife), and that Sam is deranged. Sonny suggests, quite sanely, that Alexis keep her distance. Alexis swells to a great size and explodes (oops- fantasy). Sonny goes home to mope.

Emily has been telling everyone lies and finally makes an exit based on a really lame one regarding a lab assignment. She heads to Sonny�s of course. Sonny tries to tell her that he is upset for sleeping with the fabulous mother/daughter duo of Alexis and Sam. Emily doesn�t buy it. She doesn�t really care why he�s upset. She just wants his hands on her. Jason watches. Kinda creepy there, kid.

Jax and Carly (who both dress very well, thank you) tease and flirt and fight all evening. Jax accuses Carly of using him to get to Sonny. Carly accuses Jax of letting Saint Robin dictate his life. They end up playing poker. Carly bets more chips than she�s got but swears she�s good for it. Jax lets the bet play and wins. Carly takes him home to pay up.

Saint Robin, meanwhile, is at GH pouting that Patrick went on a date rather than hang out with her self-righteousness. She has been looking for Noah and receives a call that he is at detox. He didn�t actually drink, though. It was a pre-emptive strike. She notes that his cirrhosis is at end-stage and admits him to GH. She then invades the frivolity of the Haunted Star to fetch Patrick to his father�s bedside. Patrick arrives, but is not kind. Noah tells him not to bother; he�s made his decision and will not let treatment stand in the way of the illness he has earned.

Skye accuses Tracey of trying to sabotage Luke�s opening night by being rude to clients. She�s right. When Skye steps in to help Luke out with some of his better patrons Tracey jealously commands her title of hostess. She goes way too far when she tries to wrest a gentlemen�s jacket from Skye and ends up pushing Skye down the stairs. Lorenzo sees the mess and warns Tracey that if she harms Skye or her baby, he�ll make her pay. Improbably, Luke arrives to defend Tracey.

Lucky and Liz, Port Charles�s most abused couple, seem to be having a really good time. Bully for them!

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