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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 28-Mar-2006
Author: |
sweetsensation1966 |
Posting date: | Thu, 30-Mar-2006 5:24:30 AM PDT |
We begin todays episode with LuLu visiting Nicholas on creepy island to ask him to save her father... Apparently Luke is in danger of loosing his floating casino, a fact Tracy just loves. He owes a ton of back taxes and has no way to pay them.
Just then we flash to Spankbuns, aka Tracy, giving Luke a rude awakening as only she can do.. Informing him of the tax problem and her intention to pay them, thus making the floating barnacle hers and informing him he will kicked off the tub immediately...
Now, bak to Lulu, she wants Nicholas to help because then her daddy dearest will stay in town and close to her.. Nicholas relents and goes to see Luke. Luke gives a less then warm welconme, stating any partnership between the Spencers and the Cassodines will not be a good idea....Nicholas leaves and surprise, surprise LuLu enters trying to talk sense to dear old dad...Luke refuses to let the "dark prince" help just in time for the "stepwitch" (Tracy) to enter, intending to take inventory of the boats contents, and her and LuLu to get into yet another screaming match. Luke pulls out a shot gun and fires off a blast ordering Tracy off the boat or he will add some "lead" to her inventory...
This leads Luke to seek out his step son Nicholas at Spoon Island, where we meet ALfred, Nicks new butler...Luke, as only he can, tells Alfred he is a perfect match to gaurd the bat cave behind the walls of the mention. Wouldn't bat poles be a cool addition to the caves...Luke swallows his pride and agrees to a 50/50 split as long as he retains full management decisions. The prince agrees and states his 50 will go in trust for his beloved sister LuLu...
Now, we go to Lukes other offspring Lucky, who is busy telling Elizabeth that catching Manny and Alcazar in their unholy partnership is key to all their money problems... Seems Lucky has big dreams and is hinging his carreer on this collar..He wants to keep Elizabeth and the rest of the port chuckles residents safe and putting Manny away is the only way to do it, and I guess something he figures "only he can do".. Nothing like a superman complex... Superman and batman all in the same episode.. Oh, my. Elizabeth begs Lucky to be careful and is so worried about her man she goes to see Jason...Why is Jason and Sonny are scum to many of Port Chuck until they need something... Elizabeth lets Jason in on the whole ankle monitor deal ( you know Lorenzo helping Manny), telling him that Lucky knows this and then ask Jason to do whatever it takes to keep her man safe...
Next, its on to mother Theresa, aka Alexis... She has decided she wants to rent space at the Metro Court for her and Ricks law practice. Carly overhears and states there is no way in hell she will ever consent. After all Rick kidnapped her and chained her to a bed, and ALexis is the queen of hypocrites who thinks she is os far above Carly and shouldn't be allowed near Christina (didn't Alexis kill somebody, I guess murder is ok as long as you have good reason). Alexis and Carly trade barbs with Carly stiking a nerve in ALexis when she tells her, I'm sure you have a lot of skeltons in your closet... If Carly only new about dem bones....
Of course when Carly says no, as half owner, Alexis runs to Jax and demands he choose between her and Carly, throwing in more barbs about him and Carly sleeping together. Jax, stops ALexis in her tracks, thank god someone can, and backs Carly by telling Alexis she can't have the space..Sam overhears eerything and storms off for parts unknown.
Hip, hip, hurray, we have the original dashing Lorenzo back.. Nothing against his temp replacement but he looked nothing like Lorenzo...Sky calls a surprise visit to Lorenzo and catches poppie chulo trying to put a crib together, something Sky finds soooo amuzing. Lorenzo states he is capapble of many things and invites Sky to wittness his talents and pay homage. Just as mommy and daddy are about to share a tender moment Manny burst in, which completely freaks Sky out and she leaves telling Lorenzo Manny makes her skin crawl.. Manny makes himself busy with the crib, at which point a fatal warning is given by Lorenzo, Manny better stay away from Sky and his unborn or else. Manny smiles that creapy grin and tells Lorenzo if he goes down, he is taking him with him.
We next see Manny meeting with one of his henchman. Stating he has a plan for the two mob kingpins to take each other out. Seems Manny has big plans for tomorrow night and a gun is involved..
Sam is back to debating whether she should tell Alexis the secret... I say, tell her already..Stating she wants answers from Alexis not excuses. Keep dreaming Sam.. Sam goes to the diner to study and runs into Chrisitina... Christina tells Sam she wants her to play sisters with her again... No need to play, you really are sisters...
At the diner we see Georgie and Diego doing their friend/more then friend dance. With Diego telling Georgie she was his lifeline when he was locked up. Just then Maxie walks in and tells Diegp to leave her sister alon, sking him why he doesn't move into daddy's mansion. Enter Lucky and Jessie who threaten to arrest Diego... Goergie immediately jumps to Diego's defense saying for what jaywalking? No, seems the cops want Diego's help in catching the guys out to get him and want to either place him in protective custody or arrest him for obstruction...Diego agrees to help as long as the cops leave Georgie out of it. Before talking to the cops Diego goes to see dear old dad... He wants to make sure he doesn't say anything to mess up his dads business. Lorenzo tells him to tell the truth, but to tell him if he recognizes anyone in the mug shots first.
Next we see Jason storming into Sonny's house, with henchman Mac's in tow. He demands to see Sonny... Mac's tells Jason he doesn't know where Sonny is. Jason throws a warning Mac's way stating you better not be lying to me or..., just as Lorenzo walks in with the same demand to see Sonny.... Ya know, with all the disappearing acts that Sonny and sain Emily are doing, you'd think they want to get caught.... Lorenzo decides to talk with Jason and spills his guts about helping Manny with the whole ankle monitor deal... Seems Lorenzo wants to call a truce for the sake of his unborn child...Did Lorenzo forget he has a son already...Jason tells him thats up to Sonny, who happens to be MIA.
THe last bit of juice, finds Carly going to see Jason and finding an open door.. She yells out you can't be mad at me Jase the door was open.. Finding no one home she decides to leave a note on the desk and happens across Sams secrete adoption file.... Can anyone say OH MY GOD!!!!!
Tune in on this same bat channel for your next update...