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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 30-Mar-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Fri, 07-Apr-2006 3:43:49 AM PDT

It was a sad day in Port Charles today, as two members of the community face almost certain death--and a long-time friendship is so strained that it could come to an end.
We start things off in the park. It's a nice, early spring night. The kids are enjoying the carnival; especially the clown. Our favorite citizens are all taking a break from their busy lives, when all of a sudden, the clown that was delighting the kids a few minutes before is pointing a gun at Diego! Jesse sees him just before he pulls the trigger, yells "Shooter, everyone down!"--and we are off!
After the bullets stop flying and the smoke clears, we see that the clown and Jesse are the most badly hurt; Jesse so badly that his life could be in danger.
Maxie is understandably hysterical, sobbing as Emily and Elizabeth start to work on Jesse before the paramedics get there. As Maxie falls apart, she's leaning on new brother-in-law Dylan for strength. It was nice to see Dylan step up! The first responders get there and Jessie and the clown are hauled off to GH.
GH is having its own drama in the meantime. Noah is fading fast, and Patrick is prepared to give him part of his own liver. He goes to Alan and demands that the process be started and Alan is a huge wet blanket! He tells him that the proper procedures need to be done and it's not so easy, blah blah. Patrick has a great scene with Noah, who is now comatose, when he tells him that "you're not going to haunt me". (Great writing, by the way!)Noah is now on the donor list for a liver. All of this is going on under the eyes of Robin, the self-appointed voice of virtue!
We all know where this is leading. As Jesse starts to go downhill, it becomes more evident that he's a great donor candidate for Noah. Monica starts the ball rolling when she asks Maxie if she knows who Jesse's next of kin is. Maxie figures out where the conversation is going, when she says "I don't want to give him away in pieces!" and tearfully hands Monica Jesse's signed donor card.
In other news, the once-close bond between Sonny and Jason is starting to slip, now that Jason knows that the relationship between Emily and Sonny is hot and steamy! Jason is urging Sonny that Alcazar and Manny are still problems and should be brought down, while Sonny is all for the truce that Alcazar is proposing. Sonny also reminds Jason that he's calling the shots as always, not Jason.
The other big story was finding out that yes, Carly knows about the Alexis-Sam connection, and is lovin' every minute of it! She was positively gloating when she ran into the both of them having their latest fight dujour--and almost spilled the beans, but not quite. She drops the bomb on Sam and tells her that she knows all, which just thrills the u-know-what out of her, as we can all imagine :)) Carly also gives Sam tips on what it's like to be obsessed with the mom that gave you up, since she's been there, done that!
Everything ended with Jax coming over to Carly's house and drooling over her, yech! I thought that man had taste!
Can't wait for tomorrow!

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