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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 4-Apr-2006

Author: sweetsensation1966
Posting date: Thu, 06-Apr-2006 10:44:17 AM PDT

We begin todays drama with Jax testing Carly and it backfiring. Carly explodes...."I've been in enough testing relationships" and she ain't looking for no more...Jax gives a sarcastic sorry but explains "hey look I've been on the loosing end to Sonny, and besides you never truly leave Sonny, you just take much needed vacations.." Jax don't wanna be no pit stop..Carly says fine then I'll just use Dr. Feel good..I mean Drake. Jax says fine..if you can leave me...I never got the attraction but maybe I am just a dark haired lover...The scene ends with Jax getting kicked out on account of the "boys" but no until he and Carly share a steamy and I mean steamy kiss...

Onto Doc Feel good, I mean Patrick..He is frantically trying to save the elder feel good from dying.. Does anyone remember how good Noah looked back in the day...Can certainly see where the genes succeeded..OK, back to our story...Nurse,in charge, for lack of a character name, states he needs a signature on the psych form to be a living donor..Only problem is we know Laney is out of town for the day..Does this stop in..Of course not, just as he is about to forge a signature Robin says NO...and surprises the good Dr. by doing it herself..So Sr. doc Drake will get part of Jr's liver...Patrick is taken into surgery with doc Robin at is side and the last thing he expects is what he gets...Robin, plants a kiss on the good doctor just before he is put under...During surgery Patrick falls into crises and super doc Robin says, no he's not going to die and her she comes to save the day...Robin steps up and in and saves Patrick's life...and then stands guard by his recovery bed...

Next we visit the most psychotic member of GH, Manny Ruiz...God this guy gives me the shivers...He is visiting with I think the most comical member of GH, Luke...He tells Luke the whole Lorenzo/Sky/LuLu debackel during the crisis and even goes so far as to say you ain't gotta believe me ask Elizabeth...See he overheard Elizabeth confronting Alcazar and he didn't deny it. Of course Manny is tells Luke, I am only telling you, because if it was me I'd wanna know...Does something stink in here or what...

We next see Luke waiting in the dark for Lorenzo..Luke confronts Alke and intends to kill him... Alke says, I'm not proud of what I did, and blames it all on love..Sky burst into the room and says Luke no, please don't kill my babies daddy..Luke seems unmoved until Sky, says please let it go, do it for me...Luke lowers his weapon and leaves...Later, we see him with LuLu, who tells pops, to thank Lorenzo for her, because the crisis gave her back her dear old dad..Luke, says he would have killed Lorenzo, but he's a sucker for Sky's eyes... I don't get it, but ok..

Now, onto the other Spencer...Lucky continues his pity party, blaming himself for Jessie's death he quits the Port Chuck PD...Mac begs him to take some time, but he still turns in his badge and gun...Elizabeth greets the news with good, I am just so happy you quit, you won't be in danger anymore... Did she forget whose son she's talking to...The two end up in a minor squabble, but make up in record time...I just love these two...

Speaking of the PD, we see Durant continuing his psychotic rain and Port Charles DA, he decides to let Emily go, but tells officer do as he's told, to put Sonny in the room with Jason...Sonny, asks the Dark Prince to take Emily home...You, know cause she is just to fragile to face the reporters by herself...Does anyone else feel like throwing up..Nick agrees, but not before Saint Emily begging Sonny to leave Jason alone, he's furious enough already...ok, his best friend and sister lie to him and he has no reason.. Please..Sonny, begins his own self imposed guilt trip about the situation, with Emily saying, no, you didn't know about the gunman..Ok, has Emily lost all memory in what Sonny does for a living...He is with the mob, and the dark suits, body guards, bullet proof glass, not to mention her brother is his enforcer....should give her a clue that there will always be a shooter...Take off the rose colored glasses...and welcome to the real world girl.

The princess leaves and Sonny heads in to see Jason. Jason's piercing blue eyes cut wholes into Sonny, but reminds Sonny of their business and states they are not going to discuss this here..and then tells Durant he is finished with his visit...Sonny leaves Jason at the PD, and on the way out runs into Sam. Sam can't believe Sonny is leaving Jason, when Sonny throws a barb maybe Jase should be nicer to his sister... I really hate this story line... True friends never would let a member of the opposite sex come between them... Sonny would have never treated Jason like this in the past...Anyhow, Sonny leaves, and Sam goes to see Jason...telling him that in part the way he found out was his fault, because he wouldn't accept Sonny and Emily...Jason is outraged...They lie to him, and its his fault...Sam, steps out to talk to Justice, who has arrived to get Jason out, and sends him away, stating Jason needs to spend the night in jail....Ok, one serving of betrayal, add a side of stupid...

While Sam talks to Justice, Durant tries to flip Jason against Sonny,using the entire situation with Emily, Jason ain't having it, and tells Durant as much with his favorite line, I have nothing to say without my attorney present..Sam, walks in and tells Durant that Jason will never betray Sonny. Jason and sam are alone and Jason says that although Durant was working an agenda everything he said was true...then ask where Justice went. Sam tells Jase she sent him away, and Jason explodes kicking Sam out..She says I love you and all he does is give her an icy glare..

At the Q'maine house Tracy lets Monica and Allen in on the whole Emily/gunfire/Jason/lover Sonny situation...Monica and Allen begin to fret over their innocent little girl being involved with big bad Sonny..With Ned finally saying what I think we all have been thinking, perhaps Emily isn't as innocent as she pretends to be...God, I love this scene...Just then Emily arrives, and decides, with Prince Nicks advice to face the Q'Maine clan head on...Tracy, accuses Emily of being pregnant too, Emily states that she has no plans on getting pregnant anytime soon...Nick erupts to Emily's defense telling the clan that she is a grown woman and despite the fact he still loves her, she is free to love whoever she wants, adding the fact that should they want to give her any grief they will answer to him..Ok, is she a grown woman, or a little girl who needs a protector???Any who, Allen ask Prince Nick who he thinks he is Stephan come back from the dead, and informs him that he ain't gonna take no orders...Alice, finally kicks the whole lot out to give Emily and Nick some privacy..

Speaking of privacy, Sonny invades Carly's and makes assumptions he shouldn't... Carly tells Sonny she don't care who he beds and he doesn't have to worry about her, he should however worry about his son's confusion, in Daddy, bedding their aunt y Emily...Sonny accuses Carly of badmouthing poor defenseless saint Emily, at which point Carly speaks up and informs her ex that she did no such thing, but covered for his a**. Sonny backtracks about a 100 mph..and tells Carly he thinks he should tell the boys the truth..But..chicken outs when the time comes when Michael states the obvious..You can't be boyfriend and girlfriend with Emily, she's our aunt...

And so this episode comes to a close, with Carly getting a backbone again...God, I love Carly...However, I leave you with one thing to think about and that is ...If someone as strong as Carly suffered a nervous breakdown in part because of Sonny, what will happen to Emily???????

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