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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 6-Apr-2006
Author: |
jackie |
Posting date: | Thu, 06-Apr-2006 1:54:55 PM PDT |
"We Were Making Love When the Bullets started Flying" is the headline for the PORT CHARLES Rag.
Emily and Sonny are being blasted by almost every blabbermouth in PC. Infact ,when Em tries to discuss the humiliation she feels to Jason, all he can do is disown her. This romantic tryst has gone evil... almost deadly in the eyes of the good ,righteous people.HA Jason is simply afraid as Elizabeth points out to him. She tries to smooth the way for best pal Emily. A cold hearted Jason sends her away,and Liz says:" People can hurt those they love in many ways." Tis true! Also, he yells at Sam and tells her to go home. Alexis overhears Jason's tirade and warns Sam about domestic violence. This irks Sam sooooooooo she tells the rather maternal Alexis to butt out of her business.A dejected Sam goes home to an empty loft. Once Jason is released by Durant, he goes home and apologizes to Sam. His lame excuse makes Sam apologize likewise. It is a time of atonement, however, Jason stealthily takes his gun and leaves. Where is he going? Who Knows?He is one hostile man.
In the meantime, tHE Quartermaine family is arguing , and raising cain over the headline and devastating story in the paper. Max is trying to hide the news from Sonny which Sonny quickly detects. He starts to leave to go to Emily's rescue.. Ric, his brother, does support him and tells him what he can do in this case of defamation. Sonny acts surprised that Ric is giving him advice, etc.
As usual, Carly goes to see Emily and lambasts her for putting her sons in the middle of this NASTY. My goodness, there are sooooooooo many irate people in PC.Carly is told to get lost.
A comical scene occurs when an exhausted DR. Robin Scorpio tells a recovering dreamboat Patrick that she is going to bathe him. She has slept by his bed all evening. She drops icy water on him and he screams. Then, the new nurse( I do not know her name) says she will do the honors and bathe him.She is a welcome persona as is the maid Alice. They are both giving humor and spice to the GH family.
Luke asks the Quartermaines why the reporters are swarming around the manse's grounds. They all attempt to tell him the sin- sational news.Monica tells them all to be quiet or she will evict them. Then, a light goes on, it's Tracy's birthday. Soooooo A kind Luke prepares to give Tracy a 39th.;-) birthday bash. I guess with her money he provides a lovely cake and gifts from each member of the family.
By the way, Jax takes Michael and Morgan on a plane trip to Disney World to divert their attention fronm the scandousless news. Michael is a little man of wisdom. He deserves an Emmy for the way he handles things. He says to Jax: "You're not so bad after all." This remark pleases Jax. Then, the precocious Michael asks Jax: " Are U going to have a lovenest with my Mom?" This child is soooooooooooo wise! Please tune in on Friday to sate your GH appetite. Enjoy!