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General Hospital Update for Friday, 7-Apr-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sat, 15-Apr-2006 12:18:40 PM PDT |
Wow, what a way to end a week! I actually found myself almost liking Tracy and Carly! Yeesh!!! Anyway, here's how Friday shook out...
Both Doctors Drake are recovering from the transplant surgery. When the curtain goes up, we see Patrick's room, with Robin asleep in a chair next to his bed. She's obviously spent the night there. She tells him that Epiphany says he needs a sponge bath, but Robin wants to do the honors. As it's gettin' hot in there, Robin literally throws cold water on the proceedings (she's so good at that, don't ya know??) when she makes the water too cold. And of course, a damper was put on things!!
We move on to the Q mansion. As we know, it's Tracy's birthday (yes, even she has one), but she's not telling anyone her age, most of all her dear husband Luke. However--Lulu, proving that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, is able to go into her wallet and steal her driver's license! She goes running back into the living room with Tracy in hot pursuit, and gives her booty to Luke. Luke reads it, and sweetly announces to the rest of the family that his "Spanky" is only 39!!!!!
In a very sweet gesture later, Luke gives everyone a birthday present to give to Tracy, and has Alice bring in a birthday cake. We can see that Tracy is touched, even when Luke tells her to decide how many candles to put on it!
The rare Q family bonding moment is ruined when there's a knock at the door, and it's Sonny, come to see Emily. And let the games begin!! The family descends on Sonny en masse,due to the tabloid headlines that are all over the PC Press about him and Emily. Alan tries to throw him out, and is stopped by Emily, who is back from her trip to see Sonny at his place. Alan tells Emily that it's Sonny or the family and Emily chooses Sonny. Sonny and Emily leave together for Sonny's place.
Carly is sticking her nose in Sonny's business as always, and goes to the hospital to try and talk Elizabeth into telling Emily to leave Sonny, blah blah blah. Liz doesn't fall for it and basically tells Carly to butt out. More on Carly later.
On to Alexis/Sam. Alexis is still disturbed over the incident she saw between Sam and Jason at the PC Police Station and is convinced it's abusive on Jason's part; so much so that she contacts Laney for her professional opinion. She even gets Rick involved. Of course, she has no idea about their connection yet.
Sam, meanwhile, is putting flowers on her baby daughter's grave when she sees PC's Catholic Priest (don't know his name, sorry). She makes a full confession to him about the whole situation and says that she thinks that Alexis giving her up when she was 16 was selfish, but the priest thinks otherwise. In a very sweet scene, he convinces Sam of this, so much, that she's almost ready to tell Alexis, when all of a sudden, we see Alexis in the cemetary!
Meanwhile, Jason is getting ready for the ultimate showdown with Sonny; making sure that his gun is in working order. While this is happening, Sonny and Emily have arrived at his place, to be confronted by Carly, who convinces Emily to come with her far from the situation. (I have to ask the ultimate question here, Sonny doesn't have the boys, which means that Carly's got them, but she's out running around, so who's taking care of the kids????) Sorry, just had to ask.
More on Jason. On his way over to Sonny's place, he breaks into Manny's room over at Kelly's and noticed that Manny's slipped his ankle bracelet again, which can't be a good development for Port Chuckles! As he's making this discovery, Alcazar comes in with his gun drawn, followed by Lucky, with HIS gun drawn! Oh well, now we know there's a problem, right? Lucky calls Liz at GH and tells her to be careful.
Too Late for Liz! She spied Manny following Skye with a knife drawn at the hospital, yells to Skye and hits Manny over the head. Manny's too fast for her, as he grabs her and holds her hostage with his knife. Lucky comes in at that moment with his gun drawn on Manny and his wife!
Finally, Noah is waking up from surgery and Bobbie is with him. He's half conscious at first, and thinks that Bobbie is his dead wife. Bobbie plays along, until Noah is fully conscious, figures out that's he's bandaged around his liver because he's had a transplant and demands to know whose liver he got. "Mine", Patrick says as he's wheeled into Noah's room.
That's about it, and the sparks should be flying on Monday!