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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 11-Apr-2006
Author: |
sweetsensation1966 |
Posting date: | Tue, 11-Apr-2006 2:40:40 PM PDT |
We begin todays drama with Manny telling, our resident blue eyed enforcer, Jason to drop the gun or the princess gets it. Who does this walking bill board think he his... Jason has a shot and takes it...Elizabeth falls into Jason's arms and Manny goes off pier 52. Jason fires some shots and there is an explosion. Jason's eagle eye searches the water for a body but doesn't see one. Just as Port Chucks finest arrive to question him. Officer robot, I mean Rodriguez questions Jason about the entire incident. Jason tells him he know Manny ain't dead, explosion or not.
Next, we see the mother of the year, Alexis, dropping in on Carly to ask a question about a “friend” who just happens to have given a child up at birth and wants to know how coming back into the child's life will affect him/her. Carly, knowingly says, its not a good idea, after all there has to be some resentment on the part of the child... remember Carly when she first came to town...Just then Michael comes down and asks Alexis if Christina can come to a school sponsored family event, Alexis says aaahhhh nnnnnooooo, we all know Alexis thinks Carly's a low life, except when she needs something, wants to confess something, etc., and brushes the kid off...Carly explodes over the fact that her kid ain't good enough for the Queen Mother's...even going so far as to ask “what, are you afraid she might get contaminated?” Just as Jax walks in to again play referey. Alexis continues to say how very perfect she his and how very,very bad a mom Carly is and you guessed it blaming Michaels hurt feelings on Carly. Does this chick ever take the blame for anything????? I killed him because, I lied because, I gave up my baby because.... Does it ever end...Boy is Jason ever right... I can see it somehow being Sam's fault. Any who, I digress... Jax, interjects saying he thinks Carly is right...Carly goes to check on Micheal, and Alexis goes on the attack again...Carly's this, Carly's that...Carly overhears everything, including Jax rushing to her defense saying he and Carly are good for one another and thats all he wants to hear on the subject, of course Alexis marches out with a warning, I'll still be here when it's over....Carly comes down and she and Jax share a glass of wine, some good conversation and a steamy kiss, admitting they miss each other when they are not together. Carly, stops Jax in his tracks saying they can go no further, the boys are upstairs...Jax begs to be allowed to stay saying “I'll be quiet” Carly smiles and says “yes, but I can't” They make a promise to meet at the hotel the following night at 6pm....
At GH Dr. Pat gets a stern lecture from Robin about getting out of bed, now he's bleeding internally and thanks to her being suspended (Noah's work after finding out what his son did) she can't help in. Dr. Pat tells her to use his condition to get Noah to drop the matter, which she promptly does. She also tells Noah that he and his son are more alike then they think adding they are both stubborn, arrogant, and think they know everything.... Robin gloats to Dr. Feel good that she will be performing his procedure after all....After the procedure Robin lets Noah know his son is ok, then waits as Patrick regains consciousness...When he awakes she tells him his vasectomy was a success...They continue to trade barbs....Why don't these two get a room already?
Maxie is still grieving over Jessie and second guessing everything she is doing for his memorial...Not to worry, Port Chucks brat pack (Dillian, Georgie, Lucas, and Lulu) are all their to help her through..However, they are interrupted when Lulu gets a call from nurse Epifamy saying Lucky's been badly injured...At GH Lucky is rushed in, in agonizing back pain, with Elizabeth at his side. Lulu and Dillian arrive and Lulu begs Lucky to be ok, crying out I need you...Just as Lucky is taken to surgery Jason arrives at the hospital to comfort a crying Elizabeth and make sure that Manny didn't hurt her.
We great saint Emily at Sonny's house telling him everything is her fault and they need to split.. Sonny eerily tells her it cant be over, I won't let it...Just as she receives news that Lucky's been taken to the hospital. She leaves Sonny and rushes to be at Elizabeth's side. At GH, she gets an icy reception from dear old dad, Alan.
The Dark Prince finds the file on Alexis at the penthouse of Sam and Jason and wrongfully jumps to the wrong conclusion. Sam tells him that the file is hers and feigns an excuse saying she was trying to dig up dirt to use against Alexis because of the whole baby/Danny mess, but she has since changed her mind and throws the file in the fireplace. Nick seems to buy it, just as he gets news from Lulu on Lucky's condition and rushes off to the hospital.
At GH the prince and the saint arrive at the same time and Emily says this is all my fault....and Sonny and I are threw....Of course her prince says no, if you truly love Sonny, follow your heart...and oh, yeah be happy...The not so innocent ones says, yes, but when do you get to be happy? Emily walks away, to find Elizabeth...Find her she does, with a comforting Jason by her side. The temp drops oh about 50*, and Jason walks away saying nothing to his sister.
Back at the cemetery, Maxie finds out about Lucky and tells Georgie, he has to be wok, I couldn't take it if he wasn't... Georgie tells Maxie she has to stop pretending to be so strong and let some emotion out...It's ok to grieve, leaving Maxie insist she's fine and she needs to be strong for Jessie. Diego is seen learking in the bushes and comes out after Maxie leaves, he ask Georgie if she thinks it would be ok for him to attend the memorial....After a brief conversation he leaves, but not before Lulu sees the two talking, unbeknown st to the pair. Just as Dillion arrives Lulu, cryptically asks Georgie, don't you think the cemetery is a creepy place to be all alone.....
At casa de Sonny, we see the top cop police commissioner paying a visit...He ask Sonny if he knows anything about the whole Manny situation...Sonny, says I don't know nut tin...He ain't lying either lately he's been to busy with his head up Emily's butt to know anything. Mac leaves and Max (bodyguard) enters telling Sonny, he's sure Jason will call in soon....
Sam goes to see Sonny and tells him she wants to tell Alexis the truth..even though she know Alexis thinks she is dead...Sonny tells Sam this is something that he would like to keep buried, but that its her decision. Sam attempts to bring Jason up, and Sonny cuts her off and makes the remark Jason don't get to decide our lives. He goes on to badmouth Jason and talk about him like he is a common employee, not his best friend... I have to interject here.... I hate what the show has done to these two, and really wish they would knock it off... Now back to the show, Sam interjects telling Sonny, he needs to give Jason time after all Emily is his sister...Sonny flippantly says well we have to reach a compromise or someone will die...
Lucky awakes from surgery in agony with a morphine drip in his hand...Just as Lulu tells Dillian that Luke is unreachable again...
Jason arrive home to news that Manny's body has not been found....Sam arrives home to Jason telling her she can no longer go out alone, she is not safe..He continues to blame the whole Manny situation on Sonny's latest distraction, his affair with Jason's sister, adding cryptically, I guess I will have to step in...
Back at Sonny's Emily enters and boo hoos to Sonny, I still want to be with you, if you still want me....These two remind me of a couple of selfish kids....I swear....Emily goes up stairs just as Max walks in and informs Sonny that Jason is still incomunicatale. Emily overhears Sonny tell Max he is not sure he can trust Jason and that is something he will have to deal with. Perhaps if Sonny and Emily started thinking with the right head things might get better..