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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 4-May-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 06-May-2006 9:44:09 AM PDT

Just another Thursday in Port Chuckles, the happiest place on earth! Lots to talk about!
On the lighter side, we're treated to a girls' night out at Jake's, PC's only sleazy bar. In honor of Cinco De Mayo, everyone's drinking Tequila--and everyone's loaded!! Robin, Emily, Liz, Dr. Lee (don't know her first name, sorry!) and Laney all start talking about doin' the nasty--and everyone's lusting over Doc Drake the younger.
Everyone lusts over how they're going to get Patrick into the sack, including Liz (geez, she IS married!!)and things heat up when Patrick comes in for real.
Just when Robin starts throwing herself at Patrick , the bartender comes in to announce that he's called cabs for everyone. Patrick turns down Robin's offer (those two will NEVER do the horizontal mambo!) and everyone takes off.
Carly and Durant are in a huge mess. They're pinned down in the house next to Carly's, while Manny is taking potshots at them with his rifle. Manny hits paydirt when one of his shots hits Durant's leg--and it's gushing blood. Carly puts a tourniquet on her dad's leg, but it's not enough. Durant is fading fast. Jax comes in at that minute with his own rifle and tells them that help is on the way, when they hear the police. Jax tells the cops that Durant is injured, when Durant passes out. Don't know if he's dead yet, but he's close!
Meanwhile at GH, Jason hasn't left Sam's bedside. Things are not looking good for her, and she's dreaming about telling Alexis that she is her daughter. It's getting to the point that Jason is starting to think that maybe Alexis should know the truth--but business interfers, and he has to leave temporarily. He asks Monica to keep an eye on her and she agrees.
Friday should be even better! Can't wait!

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