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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 10-May-2006

Author: GHFreak
Posting date: Thu, 11-May-2006 7:17:27 AM PDT

After a slumber party in the Markham Islands, Robin wakes up whispering sweet nothings into Patrick’s ear only to find out it is Holly between the two of them. But, Patrick doesn’t seem to mind that he has been sleeping with two beautiful women all night thus making Robin furious with Patrick for being the man she seems to be so hot for.

While everyone was sleeping, Luke and the drunken passed out Robert tried to open the safe. Miraculously on Luke’s last attempt it opens…viola a bag full of jewels. Robert and Luke try to hide them from everyone else but Luke drops a “secret jungle diamond snake” (a.k.a. diamond bracelet) from his pants leg. Of course, Holly says they are her jewels and the gang goes back and forth over them. Bounty hunters have found the gang and just when you think they are goners, Lulu makes her daddy proud and comes up with a good idea to get them off their backs. Lulu and Dylan/Robin and Patrick pretend to be couples hiding out in the abandoned villa having a “little fun” with each other. Of course, Patrick was totally enjoying it! It convinced the bounty hunters and just it time as their ride back to Port Charles arrives.

Back in Port Charles, Sam’s still not looking good and they are running low on blood for her transfusions. But suddenly her blood pressure begins to rise and stabilize. Everyone is happy, but not for long. Another tragedy, Sam has developed a condition (sorry, the name was extremely long and complicated to remember) that is pretty much going to make her a goner according to Dr. Lee. But, there is a risky procedure that can be done. Alexis and Jason will butt heads on whether or not it should be done. Patrick rushes back to PC prepare for it.

Lucky still suspects Liz and Patrick are having an affair. He meets up with a fellow officer at Jake’s to find out where the mysterious address was…it is the Cosmopolitan Hotel. He is now completely convinced it is an affair. That isn’t good enough for him, he keeps digging and wants to have Patrick tailed 24/7. Nikolas tries to talk Lucky out of it and tells him to just confront Liz about it. So, he takes his advice and goes to GH with flowers for Liz. Of course, Lucky always has perfect timing…he walks in just as Liz is talking to Patrick about Sam’s condition and to hurry back. The one-sided conversation overheard by Lucky adds more fuel to the fire.

Maxie is still holding on to the paternity test. She is at Kelly’s when Nikolas shows up. She hides it from him before he can ask any questions. When she leaves it drops to the floor and Nikolas see it. Being the gentleman that he is, he doesn’t even look at it and catches Maxie outside to return it. But, she doesn’t know he hasn’t looked at it…what will she say to him? Tune it Thursday.

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