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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 16-May-2006

Author: jackie
Posting date: Tue, 16-May-2006 2:31:03 PM PDT

THis is, indeed, Robin's day on General Hospital.While she, her Dad,( Robert) and Mom( Anna) are stranded on Markham Island, the three of them bond. Anna comes down from the sky, and hits her beloved Robert with a really big blow. ( both literally and figurtively).As Robin questions them about loving each other, she gets the truth . They both apparently still adore each other. They agree that having Robin was and is their greatest ,united achievement. Of course, being the inquisitive Robin,she continues to probe with WHY??? She has already asked: " Did you ever truly love each other?" Yes ,they confessed.Will this couple reunite? Who knows.In the meantime, Carly, Jax, and the children are DOWN UNDER with Jax's beloved Mom. An inebriated Carly has bonded with Jax's stubborn Mom. This is quite an achievement to Jax . In fact, Jax gets on bended knee to propose to a silly Carly. I did not hear a resounding yes.
Alexis does set the OR gang free, but she blasts Jason. She also asks Mack to prolong Jason's stay so she can take care of Sam.Then, she proceeds to threaten Jason with:" You will let me take full care of Sam." Jason is irate to say the least.OF course, you and I know that this brain surgery is bound to save "our Sam."( Unless she's leaving GH) Ha We fans love Sam,but let's get on with this.We want Sam to pull through this ordeal. OK?
Mischievous Maxie has the goods on Jax's not being John's daddy so she procedes to blackmail him. She has the medical evidence, yet, she has not known what to do with it.SOooooooooooo. The true paternity has not been revealed yet.
By the way, Sonny does come to Jason's rescue and bails him out. Jason says:"After what I did to you, why would you bail me out?" IN a sense, what I heard Sonny replying is: "If you had not been so caught up in trying to keep me from Emily, Sam may not have been shot."Sonny also said that he feels free since the biz has been taken from him.This fan has a strong feeling that Sonny is going through an elevated stage of a full blown Bipolar episode. His behavior is really over the top and erratic. For example, he buys the luxury Italian car,Maserati,and he never drives. Then, he wants to make love to EM on its backseat. Sonny is a very private guy soooooooooooo what's wrong with this picture? Tune in tomorrow to catch GH's latest development.It should be exciting!

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