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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 17-May-2006

Author: GHFreak
Posting date: Thu, 18-May-2006 7:10:44 AM PDT

It was a good game of Clue yesterday in the Markham Islands. Everyone wakes to find that Holly's beloved jewels have been snatched. So, Anna goes on a rampage to play detective analyzing how each person could have pulled it off. In the end Robin figures mommy out and realizes that Anna is the one who snatched them. Of course, Holly wants them back and does so at gun point. Luke is determined not to be left behind so he volunteers to be Holly's side kick. He helps tie everyone up (yes even his own daughter). Just as you think Holly and Luke are free to leave Tracy shows up like some kind of princess being carried in on a thrown by big muscled men..."hands of my husband!".

Carly tries to reason with Ric about the whereabouts of Sam. She tells Ric what if the roles were reversed and the woman he loved was being kept from him. Ric is starting to see her point. At the same time Jason goes to Alexis about Sam. Of course, Alexis is all about throwing her new D.A. position around. In the end, Jason gets no where with Alexis. Alexis asks one final question (because she knows that Jason is known for telling the truth). “Can you make a promise to Sam that she will never been in danger again with you?” Jason knows the answer isn’t good and he walks out sadly. Ric does end up catching up with Alexis at the secret medical facility and urges Alexis that she may need to rethink what she is doing.

Emily is trying to make amends with Jason and tries to help by stocking his penthouse with food. Jason understands the kind gesture from his little sis but still isn’t willing to budge on the whole Sonny/Emily relationship. Emily tries to explain to Jason that the way she feels for Sonny is the way Sam feels for him. Nice try Emily, Jason still ain’t biting!

Jax returns to Port Charles to discover the latest copy of the paternity test in his mail. He is determined not to be blackmailed again. So, he tells Carly that he can put an end to all of this by telling Nikolas that he is John’s father. Carly talks him out of it (for now) and tries to do a little P.I. work herself to track down the blackmailer. Maxie gets a voice distorter (from Coleman of all people, Diego was the good old delivery boy though) and makes a call to Jax. When he answers she chickens out and gives the phone to Diego. He barely says anything when Carly happens to walk up…they hang up.

Once again Lucky has perfect timing. He walks into the hospital to see Liz and Patrick together. Liz has just fallen and Patrick happens to be there to catch her. Of course, Lucky didn’t see it that way. One more thing to add to the “Affair” file of coincidental things Lucky has heard. Liz and Patrick continue to talk about this “secret” thing they are doing together and it is going down tonight after work. She feels bad for keeping it from Lucky but she knows he would be hurt somehow by it. Lucky has them tailed to the Cosmopolitan Hotel. But, Lucky’s officer friend doesn’t follow them inside so we still don’t know what it is that Liz and Patrick are doing together. What will it be?

Tune in tomorrow…

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