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General Hospital Update for Friday, 19-May-2006

Author: TheBelle9
Posting date: Sat, 20-May-2006 3:48:13 PM PDT

Luke drugs Robert and Tracy to believe they slept together in the Markahm islands. After lots of pillow talk, they realize their mistake, and Luke's involvement in that mistake,pictures are taken, lots of yelling ensues, the bounty hunters show up take the loot and then let the mod squad go. Then there is a little of who steals from who hi-jinx. More follows below.

Soily have dinner, something goes a little wrong, you know the pasta wasn't cooked right and he flips his lid. Max comes a charging, with guns a blazing. All because Sonny tossed a bunch of dishes because he did not like the sauce. Just setting the stage for Sonny's trip to the dark-side. Emily is now worried about him, his behavior is starting to sound more like the man Jason warned him about, than the man she thought she was in love with. Every-time Max sees sonny he gives the ominous line "Somethings in not very right with him, if Jason were here he would see it too" Well Jason's sister Emily is here and she does see it too......Emily finally has a sit down with a doctor concerning Sonny;s mental state. Lainey thinks bipolar disorder, can you imagine?

Maxie tries to set up a romantic dinner for Nikolas, He tries to let her off easy. She keeps tap dancing amount the paternity results. So far she still has told Lucas, and Diego and Soon Robin about Jax not being John's father. Maxie is in way beyond her depth with having this information, she is not going to make Nikolas fall in love with her for having found it, and she is in way over her head to blackmail Jax. Diego is bound to get more involved, since Robin (today) does not want to be involved in the caper. She lost the love of her life (Jason) by outing him not being Michael's father,

Escobar sent a message to Jason at Sams hospital room. Alexis is none to pleased to see Jason at Sams bedside. Alexis keeps pleading for Jason to leave, since sam cant make these decisions on her own, Alexis is the best person to make them for her. She will survive if you just let her go, Jason wrestles with this and Alexis sees Jason fighting within himself, so she goes in for the kill with "you know I am only asking you to do the same thing you are asking Sonny to do with Emily..we are both trying to keep our girls safe" Alexis would not be Alexis if she did not end with "what kind of hypocrite are you"

Carly and Jax are really adorable, he tries to wine and dine her, and she takes him to her trailer park beginnings, but they still find a way to laugh and just be together. Jax is telling Carly that he is having second doubts about John's paternity. Jax tells Carly she has made all the difference in how hard this whole thing has been on him...but the happy moment is cut short when Nikolas shows up (out of nowhere, for someone who is a prince, isn't it proper protocol to at least call, see if anyone is home before showing up unnanounced, and with out a gift).' When Jax hears Nikolas making plans for Johns future he tells Nikolas this is the last time he should see his son anymore

Sonny gives Jason a heart to heart to do what is right, to do what he knows needs to be done, to do what he has asked Sonny to do. Until Sam really choses Jason, isn't it selfish to choose Sam, when Jason knows he can not take care of her in her current condition. Sonny asks Jason to just do what is right for Sam, not what is right for himself. Good thing Sam's monitors went off and it looks like she is gaining consciousness. She is going to love Alexis steamrolling her life. Even with short hair.

After all the twists and turns Anna ends up on the plane with Holly. Holly thinks she has the Jewels. Anna takes them from Holly and proceeds to dive off the plane with them. Score 1 Anna. Back on the ground Luke is sorting through the jewels, the real jewels, turns out he gave Holly/Anna Tracy's travel Jewels. Score 1 for Luke Score 0 Anna. Just when you think they got away, the bounty hunters are back, they take the jewels. The gang has each other, but the bounty and the jewels they are history.

Friday ends with Sam waking up with both Alexis and Jason. It does look like Jason is going to walk away from Sam for her own safety, Sam in her spunky new hair might not take that news well from a hospital bed,,..tune in tomorrow.

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