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General Hospital Update for Friday, 26-May-2006

Author: sopi
Posting date: Sat, 27-May-2006 7:06:10 AM PDT

Yesterday was a busy day in PC. Jax has invited Nikolas to the christening of John. Nikolas questions his motives of Jax as he has told Nikolas has been told he is not allowed to spend time with John. Jax wanting to spend more time with Carly and her boys has bought her a boat, the Silent Lady, complete with 5 state rooms and a kitchen full of frozen pizza. Later we see Helena on the docks offering her congrats to Jax, and telling Carly that water can be hazardous to small children.

As Dr. Patrick and Robin are about to get it on, Robert comes a pounding on the door. Robert wants to play father, and know Patrick’s intentions toward Robin. Patrick and Robert have a little bonding over race cars and spy stories. Patrick leaves and lets Robin and Robert talk, where Robert questions her and how much caution she has toward love.

Jason has some business to attend too, mainly that Escobar has taken a shot at Jason’s Family. Sonny attacks Escobar at his restaurant, Jason tells Sonny that Escobar will be dealt with in the right time, and that Jason hates everything about the organization. Jason admits that he never wanted to run things; Sonny tells him that he was wrong about a lot.

Nikolas concerned for Emily, after all she was Helena’s favorite target, he lets her know Helena is running around.

Lucky sneeks up on Maxie. They miss Jesse, Lucky who is at the hospital to get a refill can not he has to wait until his refill date. Maxie suggests another doctor. Lucky refuses, Maxie goes all Rush on us, and steals some of Dr. Lee’s Prescription pads. Lucky gets it filled, risking both of them if anybody figures it out.

Sam appears to have no side effects from the surgery; she is moving out of ICU and will be leaving the hospital soon. Alexis lies to Sam about Jason. Alexis goes full steam a head to get a house after telling Sam that she and Ric have purchased one, and that Sam would be able to come and live with her. Nikolas comes to see Sam; he gives her a brief family history, very gothic. Sam asks about Helena. Ric questions the contract Alexis gives to him, Ric wants to know why, and she has never wanted to move before. Alexis finally tells him the truth about why and he signs the contract for the house.

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