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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 15-Jun-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sat, 17-Jun-2006 6:56:38 AM PDT |
Happy Summer! And it's getting hotter on GH by the minute! Let's get started.......
Thursday's curtain rises on the Haunted Star, where Luke and Robert are having a drink at the bar. Tracy arrives to burst their bubble. She's got Luke's number, along with a court injunction ordering him to turn over the proceeds from last week's bogus robbery. As we know, Luke doesn't have a clue as to who's got the cash, but Robert is a step ahead and figures out that it's Lulu trying to rip off dear old Dad. (Guess that WSB training was put to good use after all!) Looking at Lulu's latest ransom note, our boys decide to call her bluff and meet her down at the docks as she asked for.
Lulu, meanwhile, is mapping out her plan of attack at Kelly's. Since Dylan is now technically a free agent, what with filing for divorce from Georgie and all that, he's easy to convince to come along.
Everyone goes to the docks, where Lulu tries to put out a bogus bag filled with newspapers, when Luke and Robert arrive to throw a monkey wrench into the proceedings. Lulu turns over the cash and beats a hasty retreat, while Luke tells her he's proud of her first attempt at a con.
Meanwhile on the Jason-Sam front, Sam now knows everything that happened at GH while she was close to death and is convinced that Alexis is the reason that Jason broke up with her. She goes to see her mother at the DA's office, gives her her house key and tells her she's moving out, not before telling her off in the process.
Alexis has Jason brought in and tells him to keep staying away from Sam before releasing him. Sam moves into Kelly's, where everyone in Port Charles goes when they're starting over, where Jason comes to see her. He tells her that nothing's changed and there is no chance of them getting back together.
On to Skye-Lorenzo, a couple we haven't heard much from lately! Seems that Lorenzo had to make some deals to get Diego out of jail, including agreeing to come back into the family business.
We finally know more about that business, as Lorenzo tells Diego that their family is involved in arms dealings with the government and has friends in high places. Because of this, according to Lorenzo, some dealings are going to be done in dear old PC, which will not make Jason and his crew happy.
Manny also makes the mistake of threatening Alcazar. After he tells him that he wants a jet to take him out of the country, Alcazar almost pushes him off the docks!
Finally, Emily-Sonny. Sonny is continuing to fall apart, and is scaring Max in the process. He's running around his house with a machete and tells Max that he wants to cut down oranges to make fresh-squeezed orange juice for Lily! (Note to Sonny: Lily's long dead, remember you're with Emily??) He snaps back to reality and continues to work on his Rose garden, which he now tells Ric is a present for Emily.
He buys a long white dress for Em, which she puts on to model for him. After she comes down the stairs, Sonny looks at his picture of Lily and realizes that Em looks likes a carbon copy. He goes balistic and yells at Em to take it off.
And with that, we have to wait for Friday to see how the week ends!