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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 22-Jun-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sun, 25-Jun-2006 10:23:37 PM PDT |
It was a sober day in PC today, as everyone starts to deal with the reality of Justus' brutal murder, Carly grieves Jacks' abrupt departure and Sonny slides deeper into madness.
The word is getting out about Justus and the wheels of law enforcement are starting to spin. After it was confirmed that his body was found at the Corinthos-Morgan Coffee Warehouse, Alexis wastes no time; calling Alcazar and Jason in for questioning. She doesn't get far and is at a dead end.
Justus' many friends are starting to gather around Lainey. Her girlfriends take her out for one of their famous girls' nights out at Jake's and she toasts them in a poignant scene. Skye extends her condolences at the hospital and is worried that Alcazar is behind it. She goes to see Jason to assure herself that Alcazar is innocent, when Alcazar walks in on her asking if he was back in the mob. Jason doesn't really answer the question, so a very pregnant Skye is still in the dark.
Sam on the other hand, is trying to start over, applying for a job at General Hospital to boot! (Doing what, I'll never know!) After she heard about Justus, she went crawling back to Alexis, asking to move back in with her--not knowing that this touching scene was being watched by Manny, who as we know, pulled the trigger that killed Justus.
Sonny is sinking deeper into insanity and finally accepts that something is very wrong. He's having a recurring dream--seeing Lily, his first wife, walking to her death again and again. We actually see stock footage from the 1990's of Lily Melgar, who played Lily Corinthos, walking to her death.
Ric is not helping the situation, especially when Edward comes to tell Sonny about Justus' death and Edward tells him that Sonny is responsible for everything bad that's happened in PC since he opened his strip club in the '90's. Sonny flips and tries to strangle Edward with his tie.
Max notices that while this is happening, Ric does nothing to try and pull his brother off the Quartermaine patriarch. He sees that Ric's motives aren't 100 percent pure and calls him on it when Ric asks him to get another bottle of Scotch.
Ric goes off, and goes crying to Sonny--who tells Mac to treat any orders from Ric as if they were coming from him. Max is definately smelling a rat, but goes to get the booze anyway.
Finally, Carly. She goes crying to Jason, to tell him about Jacks skipping town, but finds out about Justus in the middle of things. Even PC's resident Ho can take a hint and figures out that now is not a good time for Jason, so she hightails it over to the MetroCourt, where she's having a few belts at the bar to forget her favorite Aussie.
With all that going on, can't wait to tie up loose ends on Friday! See you then!