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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 29-Jun-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sat, 01-Jul-2006 6:19:51 PM PDT |
Happy Thursday! And with what happened today, it's clear that GH is heading into the 4th of July weekend with a bang! Here we go...
Sonny is now totally out of control; so much that the loyal Max and Emily are scared out of their minds. After he trashed the living room of his house, Emily panics because she can't find him anywhere. His car is still in the driveway, which is a good thing.
Jason soon calls Max and Emily to report that Sonny has come over to his house, realizing that the car explosion he thinks he saw at Jake's never happened. He's in a downward phase of his bipolar disorder and tells Jason that Emily needs to be protected from himself before it gets any worse. Jason brings him home.
Meanwhile, Emily has taken charge; getting all of the booze out of the house, even though Max tells her that "the boss isn't going to like it". Sonny notices when he comes home and says it's a good thing. He's also mad that the living room was cleaned after he trashed it; telling Emily that "it's clean and I'm not", or words to that effect.
Jason is probably the busiest man in Port Charles at this poing. Not only does he have Sonny going over the deep end to worry about, he's now got to rescue Sam from Manny!
First things first! Jason calls in a favor and goes over to Patrick's to get Carly the Ho out of his bed. (yeah, they were going to do it, ick!!) She's full of denials, saying she wasn't going to do Patrick, blah, blah, but Jason doesn't care. He wants her over at Sonny's to deal with him, while Jason gets Em out of town, so he can go after Sam!
Carly and Jason go over to Chez Corinthos, where Carly takes charge of the situation quickly. (Hmmm maybe she realizes she owes Jason three million favors? Who knows...)
Meanwhile, Sam... She's being held captive in the bowels of GH by Manny and is tied to a chair. She's able to free herself, but before she can escape, Manny grabs her and hauls her back. He makes sure that she's got greater security and starts talking about needles and how he thinks they're artists brushes. (This is after he showed her all the tatoos on his chest). I got the impression that he's going to do a little art work on Sam before he's through. Gives me the creeps!
On a lighter note, Georgie and Diego throw caution to the winds and go skinny-dipping near the Q mansion. Lulu seizes the opportunity and lies to Dylan that they were having sex in the lakehouse! This makes Dylan crazy and he goes busting in on them while they were getting dressed. Hooo-kay!!
Finally, Nicholas. In a set-up planned by Helena and John's nanny, Nicholas comes on Helena with John, and John's nanny (who we know is working with Helena), is yelling for the police. This is enough to scare Nicholas, who takes John to GH for a complete check-up before taking him out of the country, away from his evil great-grandmother (that's what he thinks!)
Can't think of anything else that happened! Tune in tomorrow!