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General Hospital Update for Monday, 3-Jul-2006

Author: TheBelle9
Posting date: Mon, 03-Jul-2006 1:36:08 PM PDT

Lulu let is slip that she was a virgin until her quickie with Dillon. Making him very uncomfortable. She leaves and finds Diego. They both share a fairly empty victory as both their conquests love other people.

Dillon is at the beach house, leaving Lulu a message, letting her know sleeping with her meant something. Call him. Harsh reality, Georgie was listening to him leave the whole message. She throws her wedding ring in the water.

Carly and Sonny. They go up, they go down, the kids show up when they are having a fight. They have a fairly mature discussion with the kids, why they cant have a picnic, why daddy is not feeling well. The kids are off with Leticia, and Sonny and Carly are back to talking him off the ledge.

Anna is back in town, and it looks like she is after Alcazar. She has a great mother daughter eating french fries talking about sex moment with Robin. Robert goes after Patrick to see how he is holding up. Doesn't take a superspy to realize, he is not doing much better. The Parents meet up to discuss their lovelorn daughter, Robert kissses Anna goodbye.

Liz, helps Jason escape from Prision. He goes right to the hospital, where Lucky is waiting to arrest him. Liz helps Lucky see that Jason is the only one who can save Sam. Lucky lets Jason go.

The end montage, everyone is crying. Carly crying, Alexis crying, Lulu crying, and Sam she wishes she were crying, but Jason has found her....and this is where the story ends.

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