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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 6-Jul-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sat, 08-Jul-2006 11:34:28 PM PDT |
Busy day in PC today! What with Anna trying to get the goods on Alcazar, Robert trying to get the goods on Anna, and Sam's latest plea to Jason to forgive all and get back together, I don't know where to begin! And even more than that happened! Here we go...
We start off with Anna returning Alcazar's cell phone to him at the Metro Court. She gives him a story that he sees through immediately, saying that she has the same model and picked it up accidentally, yada yada. Alcazar gives the phone to one of his associates and tells him to get a new one with a new number.
After having drinks with Alcazar and dealing with Robert,(who was trying to pump her after Alcazar left the table), Anna goes outside to make a cell phone call of her own, telling her bosses that she's made contact with Alcazar. What she doesn't know is that Alkie is outside and hears every word! Alkie is now trying to get the dirt on Anna and tells his associates to find out everything they can on her.
Meanwhile, Robert. Why is he at the Metro Court? It's actually not to make Anna's life miserable, but to meet with Skye.
A very pregnant Skye is meeting Robert for lunch--and is not open to him trying to pump her for information. Robert gets nowhere fast--and in my humble opinion, is losing his touch.
And speaking of Skye, she hooks up with Alkie later (after Robert finally leaves the table!) to tell him that she's A. leaving PC to have the baby and B. isn't sure if she'll ever be back and C. under no circumstances is Alkie to follow her. (She must be going on maternity leave!!) Alkie isn't having any of this and says there's no way that she can keep him away, so look for that story line to heat up!
On to Robin. She's got a lot on her plate to deal with, what with two semi-crazy parents and her breakup with Dr. Dreamy, aka Patrick. Her drinking buddies and coworkers Lainey and Kelly now want her to move in with them--in Courtney's old loft, no less. She knows that moving in with them would mean no Patrick and better yet for her, no Robert and Anna. She's seriously considering it, and I think she's going to do it.
Now let's talk about Lucky...(hoo-boy!)He is being hailed as a hero and is getting a promotion for killing Manny on the GH roof--the only problem is the forensics report shows that there's no way he could have done that. The only people who are in the know are Alexis and the forensics expert, and she's ordered the report buried. The secret is safe for now--but there is one secret that's in danger of coming out.
Maxie stuck her neck out for Lucky one more time, going into the GH meds room to rip off more hydrocodone. One complication: Alan is on to it and discovers that one bottle is missing. He orders an investigation and is questioning everyone on the floor.
A few problems that I have to point out here, (since I do work in a hospital!!) First off, what the *** is a volunteer doing with access to the med room (usually, the only people with access in a hospital are doctors and nurses--anyone with a medical license), and second, even though a theft of meds is serious, the Chief of Staff usually doesn't walk through individual med rooms and discover it!
Lucky thanks Maxie for it and turns down her advances, even though she tries to feed into his jealousy of Patrick to say that everyone at GH knows that Liz and Patrick are attracted to each other.
Finally, Sam and Jason. Patrick orders tests on Jason's shoulder and it turns out there's no permanent damage. He should be back to killing in no time! Sam brings him coffee and tells him that once he starts Physical Therapy, she can help with a home exercise program "at our home"--and Jason, says "we don't have a home together anymore"---cruel!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, that's about it. Tune in tomorrow!