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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 13-Jul-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 16-Jul-2006 8:53:31 AM PDT

A busy Thursday in PC! We were treated to another drinking fantasy, this time with the boys of PC, Emily trying to convince Sonny to go to therapy and Lulu making a confession to Dylan. I don't know where to start!
Let's start with the scene that made me sickest, and obviously I'm talking about the boys' drinking fantasies. It was the male version of the famous girls' night out scenes at Jake's in May, where everyone was drooling over Patrick; remember that one? Jake's is still the scene, and this time, Max, Lucky, Patrick, Rick and Nicholas are putting them away at the bar. And who are they all lusting after? Oh man, don't loose your lunch over this, but it was CARLY!!!!!!!
Yes, the writing on GH has sunk to a new low here. Not only was Lucky included in this one (he is her COUSIN!!! Ewwwww!!), but even Nicholas, who I think was the smartest one of that bunch, was thinking about it. Everyone was shown thinking about Port C's favorite Ho. I know that Max has always carried a torch for her in a very sweet way, so I could excuse him somewhat, but the rest of it was just gross.
After everyone staggered out of Jake's to waiting cabs. Carly shows up and tells Coleman that she's waiting on a friend, when Coleman says that HE's available. Just then, Jason, with his arm in a sling, shows up, so Coleman's off the hook. Carly wanted to talk to Jason about getting Sonny into therapy, which leads to our next story line.
Emily has returned from her trip out of the country and makes a beeline for her man. She's filled in on what's up with Sonny from Max, and tells Sonny that they finally know what's wrong with him (bipolar disorder) and if he doesn't want to go to Roselawn, he should at least start therapy with Lainey.
Sonny tells her that he is hurting her and the best thing she can do for herself is stay away from him, and he's not comfortable talking about all of this stuff with strangers. Emily pledges her full support and says that Lainey's not a stranger and can help him. She adds that if he finds out through therapy that Emily isn't the person he should be with, she will accept that and leave. I think that Sonny is finally starting to consider getting help, which is a good thing, as this storyline needs to move along.
Meanwhile, Lulu. After getting advice from Carly, her demented cousin (WHY, Lulu???) she decides to make a full confession to Dylan. She tells him that she made up the whole story about Georgie and Diego sleeping together at the Q's boathouse--but Dylan's not buying it. Dylan says something like isn't it great that you would make this up to spare my feelings, blah blah and Georgie's a slut, blah blah blah.
Finally, more on Jason. He runs into Sam on the pier where he gets an earful from her. Sam tells him that she gets to make decisions too and this time she is deciding to create a life without him--and about darn time if I do say so myself. It really was one of Kelly Monaco's shining hours on GH, imho. All Jason could do was stand there and listen.
That's about it--be sure and watch tomorrow!

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