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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 27-Jul-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Mon, 07-Aug-2006 6:03:37 AM PDT

What a Thursday! It wasn't that new storylines were introduced, but the fact that twists were hinted at which kept me riveted. Here goes!
We start out at Kelly's, where Lulu is coming to work--but Dylan stops her at the door. It seems that Kelly's is closed for the day, thanks to him. He's rented out the place from Mike, and hopes to make things up to Georgie in the process.
Carly is busy making deals at the MetroCourt, when she's told that Jacks has sent her something in the mail. She's excitedly speculating on what it is, when one of the bellboys brings it up. What a letdown--it's a postcard from Africa with a giraffe on it! Guess she knows where she rates, not! Things become better when Nicholas arrives and tells her that he's decided that Carly can see John again.
Carly's thrilled--and Nicholas tells her that he hopes that John has a big, complicated family; and that Michael and Morgan are just as important to him as Alexis' children. She has the line of the show at that point,making a comment about how interesting their Thanksgivings are going to be.
The big story today was Patrick. He's operating on the patient with endstage AIDS when a calamity hits: he's cut and gets some of her blood on an open laceration on his hand, which went through his glove. Even though he's bleeding, Patrick insists on finishing the surgery and finally goes over to the sink to clean himself up when the nurses and Robin insist.
Robin stands by him; getting Patrick out of the hospital for a break to get perspective on the situation. She tells him at the piers what he can expect in the next 6 months and has a flashback to the day that Stone told her that HE was HIV positive.
Meanwhile, on to Sonny's situation. He arrives for his latest therapy session with Lainey; telling her that he's taking the medication and feels much better. Lainey sees right through Sonny and correctly figures out that he's at the place where now since he feels better and has had a few sessions, he can stop the process. She bursts his bubble pretty quickly and starts their latest session by asking why Sonny's mother didn't stop Deke from beating him up and locking him in closets.
This is stuff from Sonny's past that's buried for a reason, and he is having a hard time dealing with the repressed pain--so much so that Lainey ups his meds! Looks like Sonny's going to be in therapy for awhile!
Finally, we are back at Kelly's. Georgie arrives for her shift, to discover the diner has been transformed. It's now the scene of "Senior Prom 2006--Again!" and Dylan is there to greet her, in a tuxedo and carrying a corsage for her. It seemed like Georgie agreed to dance with him against her better judgement, and as they spun around the floor, was melting in his arms. Awww...
Well, that's about it for today. Can't wait to wrap things up on Friday!

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