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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 3-Aug-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Sat, 12-Aug-2006 8:30:29 AM PDT |
Happy Thursday! Can't believe that we are already into August!
Things started off today with Robin, who's examining the patient with end-stage HIV that Patrick was exposed to. She tells her that yes, she indeed knows what she's going through as she is also HIV positive and the two women share a bonding moment over that. Robin doesn't realize that Patrick has heard every word and is now convinced that this experience is bringing back memories of Stone for her.
Meanwhile, over at Windemere, Nicholas lets everyone in on his plan to change John's name. Saying that the name John only reminds him of the lies that were told to keep him away from him, Nick says that changing a name to one that is meaningful for him would be a way to ensure a new start.
Although the name Stefan is suggested as a good one to honor Nicholas' late uncle, Nick tells Em that he wanted to name John Spencer, as a peace offering to the Spencer family and a way to bridge the gap between the two families. Em agrees and Spencer it is.
Alfred the butler is continuing to play matchmaker with the former husband and wife, and even goes as far as to steal Em's cell phone out of her purse before she leaves. Colleen the nanny is threatened by this and goes as far as parading in front of Nick in a bikini! (She said that she was taking Spencer to the water!! uh HUH...)
Anna is back in town and is hot on Alcazar's trail. She runs into him over at the Metro Court, but Alcazar's having none of it. He's already had her checked out and accuses her of working with Robert.
Speaking of Robert, he has a "chance" meeting with Anna at the Metro, where Patrick runs into the both of them. Patrick fills Robin's parents in on what happened in the OR, and says that he feels that all of this is bringing back ugly memories for Robin. The Scorpios decide to help their daughter and have guilty moments over not being there when she was diagnosed with HIV.
Anna does meet Robin at Kelly's where Robin finally opens up to her mom and admits she's scared to death.
Finally, Sonny. Carly gets the word that Sonny's slacking off with therapy and goes over to his house to give him a well-deserved what for, as only she can. She doesn't like what she sees, as it's obvious that Sonny was sitting in the dark, drinking, feeling sorry for himself and on a huge pity pot.
After getting a boot in the lower regions from his ex-wife, Sonny goes to GH to see if he can still get his therapy hour from Lainey, who's none too thrilled with him.
Lainey's given his hour away--to Max!!! (Good for him!!) I'd love to be a fly on the wall for THAT session!
That's everything that I can report for now. I'm sure tomorrow is just as good!