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General Hospital Update for Friday, 4-Aug-2006

Author: jackie
Posting date: Fri, 04-Aug-2006 4:49:50 PM PDT

No One incident seems to stand out in today's show. Lulu does meet up with Elizabeth and Cameron on the waterfront. LuLU has bought a pregnancy kit,etc. She discusses Liz's pregnancy ,but does not reveal her own concern.IS she with child? Hopefully, not.
Sonny and DR. Lainey Winters go at each other during a so- called session. An angry Doc tells Sonny to get his act together, and to show a real need for help or she can't help him. Tis true! Sonny defiantly says: " I am who I am and I am not going to change. I do not want to take a higher dosage of meds or I will be like a Zombie." HE is questioning this psychological help which,of course, irritates Lainey. IN fact, Sonny is brazen enough to go to a mob families' meeting. The head guy tells him that he is not ready emotionally to handle this.One guy sarcastically tells Sonny that he's heard that he's loco.
In the meantime, Sonny's ex Emily returns to Windermere to find her lost cell phone. Alfred, the butler, has hidden it soooooooo. HE is still trying to get Nikolas and Em together. When Emily arrives, Colleen, the nanny, Nik, and Spenser( John) are about to depart for a swim and picnic. Emily goes,but Colleen stays back .When EM catches the way Colleen looks at her and Nikolas, she says:" I think Colleen doesn't like me. She has a crush on you."
Jason keeps running into Sam,so Alexis has him arrested so she can talk to him.Alexis is definitely trying to manipulate the JASON- SAM relationship. Alexis starts coughing as if she is sick. She has looked exhausted and stressed here lately. Ric, on the other hand, feels at a loss. HE visits with Sonny to give him news about the Mob activity. IT is apparent that Ric detests Jason sooooooo. He still seeks favor in Sonny's eyes...Check on Sonny, Lulu, Sam, Jason, and others on Monday.

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