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General Hospital Update for Monday, 7-Aug-2006
Author: |
TheBelle9 |
Posting date: | Tue, 08-Aug-2006 6:29:21 AM PDT |
Alexis is coughing non-stop while interrogating Jason and Carly. Once the power goes out she lets them both go. Alexis "says" she is going to be in the judges chambers for the next few hours, that is not true. Alexis goes to the hospital and is reading a doctors report, clearly the coughing is not allergies, feel pretty confident that between Alexis and her coughing and Little Spencer Cassadine, there are going to be a ton of Cassadines crawling into the Port of Charles, stay tuned.
Sonny goes to his meeting, without Jason, without Bernie, more importantly without his meds. He looses it. Pulls it together just as Jason walks in. Looks like Alcazar taking over Sonny's territory is going to have to wait a while. Sonny does give Carly the impression that he is "back in charge", Jason lets her think that way. However, Sonny asks Jason if he is ready to take back the business and Jason says he does not think so. Enter Ric. Ric hears Jason say Sonny is not ready, and goes on one of his usual tirades about how all Jason wants to do is keep Sonny down and dependent on him. Clearly Ric has the easiest job on the planet right now, since all he does is sulk to Sam about Jason and his too busy to care wife (he did that today too) and he gives the same all Jason wants is to steal Sonny's business rant. It is such a shame that they are turning Ric into this petulant little child. Anyway Sonny kicked Ric out of his house and told him if he did not leave, he would let Jason do what he has wanted to do all along, "bash his head in".
Anyhow, Sonny takes Jason at his word and recognizes he is not ready for the business. He tells Jason about getting kicked out of therapy because Lainey wanted to increase his lithium dose again. Jason did his usual observe and listen, and let Sonny come to his own conclusion, Sonny realized that his arrogance and pride may get him killed, especially if he ends up running his vast criminal empire without the help of the drugs to balance him out. If this happens-he will not be around to see his three children grow up, this is enough for Sonny to call Lainey and ask to see her. Jason drives him to the hospital and Sonny asks Lainey for help, for real this time, he is going to do what she says.
Lucky is really working hard at hiding his addiction. Liz is really onto him, but does not know what to do. They fight, Liz takes Cam to Grams that way they can talk. Lucky calls his drug dealer Maxie to meet him on the pier where Liz just left to get him pills. Liz does catch them together talking, I don't think she had time to give him what he needed (more pills)......they make up some Jesse excuse as to whey they are talking so much.....Maxie leaves, Lucky manipulates Liz into taking his pills that way he can prove to her that he is not an addict, as he would have to come to her every-time he needs a pill. This is not going to end pretty. All this does is force Maxie and Lucky to spend more time together....sevicing his habit and her fondness for him.
Lulu turned 18 today. Leslie sent her a card with a picture of Laura at that age. Yes the audience did see a picture of Genie Francis when she was "18" and wow the two actresses really do look alike. Unfortunately, Lulu spent her day working up the courage to take a pregnancy test. Just as she is waiting for the results, Tracy barges into her room, and tells her Mike has been calling and she has missed work again. Tracy makes Lulu leave this instant to go down to the diner and to get to work.......but lo and behold it is a surprise party.....I think Lulu has a bigger surprise waiting for her, that being the pregnancy test she has in her purse.
Lastly, Carly being Carly, hears that Sonny is back and running the evil empire, so that means Sam can fight for Jason. She goes running to Alexis' house to tell Sam this. Sam really does not want to hear it. Alexis when she walks in certainly does not want to hear it. Somewhere in all the fighting, Alexis hears "it would be better if she were not around for all her girls" and she goes off..... remember she got those test results at the hospital.