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General Hospital Update for Friday, 18-Aug-2006
Author: |
kscornell |
Posting date: | Mon, 21-Aug-2006 5:40:27 AM PDT |
What a way to end a week! With Lucky in recovery (finally!!), Alexis coming to terms with cancer and Lulu's pregnancy being confirmed, it was a weekly ending worthy of any medical show out there.
We start off with Lucky and Liz. Liz leaves Jason's bed, convinced that her marriage to Lucky is over. She's going home to get her things together and move out. However, once she gets there, she finds a note from Lucky. We next see her listening in the background as Lucky attends his first Narcotics Anonymous meeting. She cries as he stands up and says "My name is Lucky and I'm an addict".
After the meeting, Liz waits for Lucky to come home. They have a heart-to-heart, and Lucky asks for another chance from his wife. Liz agrees to it, but tells Lucky "if you want to have a chance of saving our marriage, you better not even breathe in Maxie's direction".
Speaking of Maxie, Lucky meets her on the docks and tells her that he can't see her anymore, even taking the pills she gives him and throwing them in the water.
Now on to Alexis. She's at work when Alcazar storms in, demanding that she arrest Skye for getting the u-know-what out of Port Chuck, away from him in the process. She has a coughing fit in mid-argument, and is saved when Ric comes in, when Alkie goes storming off to see Mayor Floyd.
Sonny also comes to see her and share his concern over her condition. Alexis tries to blow him off, saying it's allergies over the environmental problems in her building, but Sonny smells a rat. He puts Bernie on it to find out what he can. Bernie gets into her medical chart (I have no idea how he did that) and brings him the news.
Alexis does tell Sam finally, when Sam comes to see her before leaving town. What does she have? Stage II Lung Cancer, and it doesn't look good for her.
Finally, Lulu. Georgie takes her to her appointment at the clinic, where her pregnancy is confirmed. As Dylan is the only boy she's ever slept with, it's a no-brainer to realize that he's the father. Georgie makes Lulu promise to tell Dylan, which she does.
Dylan freaks out about it, talking about quitting school, getting a job, marrying Lulu, yada yada. However, Lulu isn't convinced, telling Georgie that she's not sure she even wants to go through with it, hinting at an abortion.
Oh, one more thing I forgot. Sam did come to see Jason to tell all about doing the nasty with Ric--and was she ever surprised to find out that he had done the deed with Liz. Hoo Boy!!
That's about it. See you next week!