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General Hospital Update for Monday, 21-Aug-2006

Author: jackie
Posting date: Mon, 21-Aug-2006 3:08:58 PM PDT

On today's segment of General Hospital, many emotions are raw and call for forgiveness, regret, etc. Alexis asks Sam not to leave town . She apologizes to Sam for saying hateful things to her.She also lets her know that she has lung cancer which may not be fatal if she undergoes surgery and chemo.Of course, Sam is a little taken back by this revelation. Ric enters to hear that Alexis has the big C. He tries to comfort her, but she angrily pulls away from him saying: " Don't touch me."He doesn't know that she witnessed his infidelity in such a heartbreaking way.Yet now, as Sonny told Jason, the affairs ,though hurtful and really wrong, must take a backseat to Alexis's sickness. Sonny reminds Jason that Sam needs to be there for her mom .Christina, and little Molly.Liz talks to Jason about trying to forgive Lucky and give him all of her support. Liz is now concerned that her own sleepover with Jason , if known, can really hurt Lucky. What a tangled mess these couples are in! While Lucky tries to rid himself of the painkillers and Maxie,she doesn't go easily sooooooo.In fact, Maxie tells Liz that she needs to talk to her. Does Liz need this talk?I don't think so.Here are life and death issues that all must face. After helping Robin to pack for moving to the loft with her friends, April, their aids Patient dies.This will be doubly hard for these dedicated docs who had promised her an apartment, etc. when sheleft the hospital.April has been a very special patient to them. April dies on Stone's birthday. To Robin, this has some kind of symbolical meaning.Sam finds her way to Jason to tell him that she wants to stay to help her mom Alexis through her sickness. She says:" I have hurt her so much so,perhaps, I can do something beneficial for her now."Continue to watch as GH's actors scramble to renew relationships, end them, and cope.

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