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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 23-Aug-2006

Author: Jeepgirl2005
Posting date: Thu, 24-Aug-2006 4:04:04 PM PDT

GH started the show off with Edward and Tracy discussing the faulty condoms ELQ had produced. This is due to Tracy's mismanagement. One batch was faulty and they were discussing how it could lead to legal problems and unplanned pregnancy. Lulu overhears this and asks Dillion what brand he used - sure enough it is the one that is faulty and as Dillion says this is why you got pregnant - Tracy walks out and over hears (OH she is not happy). Edward says they will get married and the baby will be raised as a Quartermaine and is the next heir. Emily tries to calm everyone but Edward is Edward. Tracy says no, no marriage. Lulu and Dillion are standing there - AH HELLO!!! Lulu runs to Kelly's and cries to Georgie, Dillion shows up and says they will do what is best for the baby - they will decide - what they think is best -not his family...but Lulu isn't even sure she wants the baby. (yeap that is right - she is thinking abortion). Dillion is then summoned to Tracy where she says it is his decision and she supports him. Until Edward walks in and demands they get married. Tracy stands up to Edward and says no, you are not doing this to get your next heir at the expense of my son (you go Tracy). Dillion runs to Georgie at Kelly's to tell her about it and she snaps when he says it was the condoms fault. "because the condoms made you cheat on me with Lulu" - ouch! She tells him maybe he should give Lulu space and let her figure out what she wants first and then start figuring out what is best for the baby. (as Lulu cries to Georgie - she tells her she doesn't want the baby).

Edward has the nerve to go to Lucky and Liz's to tell them to not worry about the baby (They are like what baby) that it will be raised by the Q's and they will take care of everything and that they will get married.

Lulu goes to see Laura and tells her the problem and wishes she could talk to her about it. She says she was an accident just like this baby was an accident and she does not want to bring a baby into the world to parents who don't want it or will not love it....She doesn't want this baby anymore then they (Luke and Laura) wanted her. (this poor girl is really hurting).

Liz wakes up to find Lucky gone from their bed - meanwhile Lucky busts a drug dealer and takes his drugs. The drug dealer pleads to be let go and he will leave Lucky the drugs. Just then Rodrigues (Sp?) shows up and Lucky passes the dealer to him as Liz comes around the corner and watches from afar. As the dealer is being taken to the precinct, Lucky hands over the drugs as evidence. Liz asks Lucky what he is doing, he is going through withdrawal, he should not be out working. Lucky says he is fine, Liz asks him, although he made a promise to stop lying to her, when is he going to stop lying to himself.
Back at home, Liz suggests he go into rehab because this is really hard on him. Spencer pride gets in the way as he does not want anyone to know he is an addict - he is going to meetings, he can handle this. She asks what happens if he has to draw his gun and he can't do it. Just as he is standing up and pulls it out, it drops and fires. All you hear is Liz scream - luckily no one is hurt but what is Cam had been home. Lucky's solution to that is, well we won't bring him home until the worst is over...(yeah cuz that is healthy for the kid- being away from his mom) After Lucky finds out about Lulu, he is upset he was not there for her. When Liz tells him to leave it, he needs to focus on him recovery - he gets really mad and says to her "this is my family - stay out of it". Liz looks at him and says "I understand you are going through withdrawal but you have no right to talk to me that way" (you go girl - it is about time she stood up to him) and she walks out. Later Lucky apologizes but runs out to look for Lulu but Liz says he should not go cuz he can't handle it (that is just going to make him go more...that pride thing again). He rushes out and makes a phone call - asking for help (well can all guess who that call was to- Yeap Maxie).
Lucky meets Maxie on the docks and asks her to get him a couple more pills cuz he needs to deal with Lulu's pregnancy. She is now playing games and says she can't get any until at least tomorrow because it is getting harder to get them. (meanwhile at the beginning of the show, she had already bought a bunch of pills)...manipluative...

Meanwhile Alfred is up to his old tricks again trying to do everything he can to get Emily and Nikolus together (he is such a sweetie). And of course Colleen (nasty) is trying everything to get him away from Emily. Unfortunately she uses John (sorry Spencer) to do it. She comes in stating she is worried about him because of the humidity. He has become quite cranky and is getting heat rashes. She suggests they go to Greece, but Nik doesn't have the time. So she plays on his weakness, "well you really should bond with him after all he has been through" blah blah blah. Nik caves and decides to go for a few days and tells her to go pack. While Colleen is packing, (I think Alfred is on to her) Emily shows up. Nik thinks it is Alfred's doing but she is really there to break the news about Lulu and the baby. (she has good timing). Colleen is pissed when Nik cancels their trip. So he can stay and help his siblings. Nik wishes he had sent Lulu to a prep school now to protect her. Emily and Nik to go Liz and Lucky's to talk to them about what is going one as he believes the best thing is for Lulu to come stay with him. They talk about Lucky and Lulu and what they are going to do. Nik asks Liz if she trusts Lucky because she says what Lucky needs right now is to be able to look into their eyes and know they trust him. (he is an addict - you can't trust an addict - DUH)

Patrick and Robin spent the night together and as they are talking, Robin's mom breaks into her apartment (using her spy skills). She explains she saw Patrick's car the night before and again this morning so she thought she would bring a basket for food over for them to enjoy. Robin states that she is meddling and Patrick takes his que to leave. Robin spills her guts to Anna about April dying because of the aids. She also states she feels very helpless and the reason she became a doctor was to help people - save lives but AIDS wins even with medication. She is tired of fighting this disease inside and out. (Poor girl, she is not taking this well at all) Robin fears she will end up like April even from taking the drugs. Robin later goes to the hospital and apologizes to Patrick for her mother and states she is the strongest person she knows. The fact that AIDS scares her mother - makes her worry even more. Patrick says he would like to cremate April and spread her ashes in Arizona on a stone archway she once talked about wanting to go to. He had a consult but Robin would not go with him. (she seems to be trying hard to push him away - I am glad he is not complying) She kisses him and walks away, once around the corner she breaks down and slids to the floor...(poor girl, I can not imagine what she is going through)

WOW this is tough....but things are getting better and characters are going to be coming back soon from hiatus...can't wait to see what happens next.

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